What is it that God has BROKEN your heart for??
For me, it is the 140 millions of orphans in the world?
It seems these days, that I can't go a day without tears!
At church yesturday our Pastor told us to pretend that God was walking down the aisle in church and that He came right up to us and hugged us! As I'm envisioning God doing that, what else do I think about, the millions of children in the world who NEVER get hugs from someone who loves them unconditionally! And what do I do, cry!
Today I was driving into town with my kids to run some errands and I'm listening to worship music - and what comes to mind, the children who are right now waiting at Beacon House and in China on CHI's waiting list - and what do I do, cry!
The other day I was buying my children new shoes - and what do I think about, all of the orphans in the world who have NO shoes!
I seriously don't think I have gone a day in the last week without tears forming up in my eyes, the plight of the 140 millions of orphans constantly being on my heart! And I probably have not gone a day in the last month without the 140 millions of orphan being on my heart!
And in case you are wondering, I don't have a logical explanation for all of the tears :)
I SO feel like I want to do more, to help the 140 millions of orphans of the world!
Maybe that needs to be my question to God, "what can I do?" Or I guess I could ask, "what God do you want me to do to help take care of the 140 millions of orphans who go to bed every night without someone to call their own?"
Did you know that in Ghana, West Africa ... women abort their babies by taking herbal concoctions or by eating broken glass! I wonder how many babies die this way?
Yes I know we are already in process to bring home our precious Kody, and I know he will be our 3rd adopted child, and I know some of you would advise me that we/I'm are already doing so much! It doesn't feel like that to me, nor does it feel like that to Sam!
What is heavy on your heart?
I know enough about God and the faith journeys He has brought me on before, that God has a reason for once AGAIN breaking my heart for the orphans of the world! I usually am able to "shut it off" if that makes sense, this time around I'm having a hard time!
James 1:27
"Pure religion is this, to take care of orphans and widows in their distress!"