This is our view out the front window of our house!"
It is such a blessing to have the EVIDENCE of God not only in my house through our 3 precious jewels and through my husband Sam - but also through our front window!
The kids and I LOVE to read stories right in front of this beautiful mountain view!
This mountain view is a constant reminder to me of the AMAZING, AWESOME, GOOD, LOVING, ALL POWERFUL, PURPOSEFUL, ..., and INFINITE God that I serve! It reminds me that NO MATTER what life brings or what faith journeys God brings us on, God WILL be faithful and WILL provide what we need (which might not be what WE think we need)! It reminds me of Jeremiah 29:11, a verse that right now I am heavily leaning on!
This mountain view helps me keep my eyes on MY CREATOR, simply put, leaving me speechless!!!