Sam sent me this via his phone of the kids!
I just came back from having coffee with a friend - a friend who is an AMAZING woman of God! She is a person who inspires and encourages me by who she is and the life she lives! She is someone who I respect so much! She is an amazing mom and person!
While I was gone my amazing and adventorous husband decided that he was going to take our 3 precious jewels sledding!
I am sooooooooooo THANKFUL for my husband who is my partner in life, on all realms!
It is awesome to be married to someone who supports me and encourages me no matter what!
It is awesome to be married to someone who does not have a glove fit expectation of me, but who works with me to meet the needs of our family and kids!
Not only does my husband take our kids sledding just for FUN and just because, he also does the kids laundry just because it needs to be done, he cooks dinner because it needs to be done, he cleans the bathrooms because it needs to be done, he bakes the desert for small group because it needs to be done, he ENCOURAGES me to to do things with girlfriends (because I need it) and so it needs to be done, he does WHATEVER because it needs to be done!
People often wonder how "I" balance working part-time and being a mommy to 3 young kids, it is because I am married to the most amazingly supportive and encouraging man, who does WHATEVER needs to be done because it needs to be done!
He is someone who prioritizes being a dad and husband - and being my partner is raising and taking care of our 3 PRECIOUS JEWELS!
And he does it all with an attitude of God's love, peace, hope and joy (not always of course, as neither do I, as we are both so flawed and far from perfect!!) Needless to say, I am SOOOO THANKFUL for the amazing SACRED gift that I have in my amazing husband Sam!!!