It is amazing how quickly time goes by and how the baby I once held now is an active and always almost moving little 3 year old, definately no longer a baby (although perhaps still the baby in my heart)! Matteus is the only one out of our 3 kids who was born in my tummy, people often guessing that he is the one who is adopted and his sisters being the biological ones!!! Whether made in my tummy or made in my heart, each one of our children is equally a jewel and sacred gift from God to us!
Sam and I were trying when we got pregnant with Matteus (we always thought we would have one biological and 1 adopted) ... however the way that we found out about him was an eventful event!
We were in ER waiting for surgery for me to have my appendics removed when they told us we were pregnant. Within the same breath they also told us that the baby would more likely not survive the surgery, and if he/she did it would more likely have negative impact from the drugs! So like his sisters, Matteu's beginnings were anything but ordinary :)
Here are SOME of my favorite pictures of Matteus ... in a random order ...
HAPPY BIRTHDY to the most amazing, sweet, fun, loving, helpful, tractor and train loving, books and swimming loving, helping me in the kitchen loving, and all around wonderful 3 year old that I know! - I LOVE YOU Buddy!!!