My husband Sam was found on the steps of a stranger, who brought him to the local orphanage! He was found inside a paper box, a bottle being placed in with him.
When he was found, he was frail and very malnourished. It immediately became clear to the orphanage staff that had he not been brought he would have died. Initially, my husband Sam the orphan was not keeping any food down. The worst was feared. There are over 140 MILLION orphans in the world, and my husband Sam was at one time in his life ONE of them!
Sam and I were talking about it the other night and neither one of us think of him as an orphan, nor as once being an orphan! To him, he is the beloved and deeply loved son of Don and Jane, and brother to his 2 sisters! To me, he is my amazing husband and most awesomest dad to our 3 kids! It is hard for me to picture him inside the box, inside the orphanage, in Korea, without ANY hope for a future! I cannot even begin to imagine what his life would have been like had his parents not adopted him! Sam feels beyond words blessed and like me wants to give all of the orphans of the world a chance for a future like he was given!
We have been told that we (Sam and I) just want to save all of the orphans of the world (that we want to save the world), and if truth be told yep we really do! This is in part because in our hearts we don't distinguish between our children and the children of the world waiting for their forever mommies and daddies! In our hearts, ALL kids are God's kids, them then also being OUR kids! And since they then are OUR kids we want to do our part in taking care of them ... they are OUR kids and our responsibility ...
I really like the saying that says "I cannot save the world, but I can BE the world to one orphan" ... or in some of our cases, 3 orphans, or however many God deems us worthy of the blessing to be mommy and daddy too!
Sam and I really feel that just as Sam was given the chance, EVERY orphan DESERVES that same chance to be a son or daughter to someone who loves them deeply and unconditionally! We also feel that this is God's heart and that He loves every orphan deeply and unconditionally, just like He does ALL of us, and we feel He CALLS us to be His SKIN to them!
God is definately stirring the hearts of SO many here in our town and we are SOOO excited to see what He will continue to do in the lives of the orphans of the world including here in the US, and also what He will do in the families here in town who will be RICHLY blessed to call these precious kids their own!
THANK YOU Jesus what YOU HAVE done in Sam and my life, ARE doing, and WILL do! THANK YOU Jesus for what YOU ARE doing in the lives of those around us! We praise you for all of IT realizing that our stories really are YOUR stories and that we only are merely your instruments! We are HUMBLED and beyond words SO THANKFUL!