It is AMAZING to me that my friend Carrie who is going through "trials and tribulations" right now in Ghana with the delays of their adoption paperwork is of INSPIRATION and ENCOURAGEMENT to me! It seems totally backwards! I (we) should be encouraging her yet reading her (and Dave's) blog and her recent post is TOTALLY inspiring and encouraging! Please NEXT time I go through a "trial" refer me to her blog so that I can be reminded that although OFTEN things don't go the way that I would expect them to, God is still infinitely GOOD, and that His plans are the BEST ones for me (not the ones I think are the best ones, this lessons seems to be on repeat for me during the last couple of years, even just in the last couple of months actually ... boy you would think I would have it down by now)!
I know Carrie goes on our blog just to listen to the worship music (as she is in Ghana and does not have hers there) so I thought I would add some more music in her honor and as a way to encourage her! The 1st song especially seems to be SOO true for her (Dave, Laurel and Jim) as the song starts out saying "I am not skilled to understand what God has willed, what God has planned ..." the song going on to sing about God's goodness ... lets keep on worshipping Him "together" dear friend!
Please pray for them - as well as Jim and Laurel - who are also being delayed in Ghana awaiting their paperwork finalization/approval from the US embassy!!
Just FYI for all you considering adopting from Ghana ... you do NOT have to stay in Ghana past 2 weeks as part of your adoption process! There are now different processes in place for future families so that when it comes time to bring your loved one(s) home you have 3 different options as to which route to go ... the other 2 options NOT including a stay more than 2 weeks in Ghana! Just wanted to share that as a FYI ... I know how the enemy loves to discourage ALL of us and would love to discourage any of you right now considering adoption, whether from Ghana or elsewhere ...
Thanks for blessing her with the gift of your kind words, I know it fills her up!
Dave and Carrie