Upside down ...

Our world has been turned upside down in a way that we never anticipated and I wanted to ask for your prayers! Please pray for wisdom and discernment for Sam and I!
Please pray for still hearts and open and listening ears for both Sam and I!
Please pray that God would speak to Sam and I both clearly, and that we would be unified in the very big decision that we need to make! We are have been on our knees this week and will continue until Monday!
My heart is not yet ready to share what has happened - but please don't worry - just know it has something to do with who our 4th child should be!
"Be STILL and KNOW that I am God"
This scripture God has and is continously putting on my heart, simultaneously teaching me that the truths of this verse should TRANSFORM my life! I feel such enourmous humility with the realization that although I "thought" was living this verse out on all realms of my life, I in reality was not!


Linda said…
I don't know you that well, but I do know that prayer is amazing. I will be praying that you recieve Gods guidance and direction.
Momto16 said…
Praying with you!
The Princess said…
You and Sam are in our prayers. i don't know what you are struggling with, but thank God I don't have to know all or any of the details in order to lift you up!
K said…
Praying for you too.
Praying for you peace and clear direction for God's unfolding plan in your life.
