Faith's surgery went great! Her main complaint all day before the surgery was, "I'm sooooooooo hungry!" She told ANYONE who would listen! I don't blame her, they did not take her into the surgery room until 3 PM, and her last meal had been the night before!
After the surgery, as usual, she was quite UPSET about the cast and did not want it on! She has probably asked me at least 12 times since last night WHEN she is getting the cast off! Again, I don't blame her, having the cast on limits her options of things to do ... but it does NOT slow her down! She tried today for a good 3 minutes to open up a Birthday card she had gotten today in the mail! She only has one functional hand, so finally she gave up and asked for help :) All along Bella was offering to help, Faith was determined to do it herself ... and really gave it her ALL!
She is such a TROOPER and makes me proud to be her MOM!!!!!!!!!
The only negative about the surgery really was that after the surgery, our AMAZING hand surgeon said "I was only able to get 2/3 of what I wanted done" which means 1 more surgery (well 2 counting the one a few years down the road)!!! We however wouldn't trade all of the surgeries for anything ... as the end result is Faith having much more functional hands ... THANK YOU Jesus for Dr. H, Children's and all of the change in Faithie's hands!
Praying for a good and quick recovery.
Happy Birthday Faithie!