"They that WAIT UPON the Lord WILL RENEW their strength; they will mount up on wings like eagles; they shall run and NOT grow weary; and they shall walk and NOT be faint!! Isaiah 40:31
I am not sure how long we will be waiting, but we are waiting UPON the Lord and trusting His perfect timing of when our precious baby boy will come home!
Please pray with us for the next step in our process - the provision of a death certificate - which will then Lord willing allow us to move forward with the scheduling of a court hearing to make him legally ours in Ghana!
THANK YOU Jesus for Heidi and her family and how while we are waiting, You are through them loving and taking care of our son's every need!
THANK YOU Jesus for our beautiful baby boy, and for that the precious beautiful boy in China who we "thought" was meant to be ours, has now found his forever family!
THANK YOU Jesus for Romana and for all of the work you are doing through her on our behalf, and on the behalf of our new precious son!
THANK YOU Jesus for our already 3 AMAZING children! We are already SO completely blessed!