Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, we got the most PRECIOUS pictures of our baby boy this week!!! I know I am a bit biased, but oh WOW is our little baby boy ADORABLE!!! And THANK YOU Jesus, he looks soooooooooooo HEALTHY and like he is doing soooooooooo great! He was SMILING in one of the pictures, and in the other one he was on his tummy with the cutest expression! And in both pictures was the giraffe blanket - which was soooo precious for Bella, Faith and Matteus!!! And also AWESOME Heidi had pictures of us (from our blog) in the background in the picture, and I was able to show each one of them how their baby brother has seen pictures of them .... soooooooo precious ..... their smiles and their faces lightening up when I told them!!!! The pictures and e-mail are such a precious gift to all of us! Oh how they bless our hearts ... oooh how Heidi and her family bless our hearts! THANK YOU Jesus!
We are still waiting on the death certificate (your prayers are appreciated) but we got an e-mail TODAY from AMAZING Romana that our paperwork has been filed with the laywer and social welfare ... our paperwork being complete when the death certificate comes and we will be ready to go to court!!!!
I am so excited and blessed to know you and watch all God is DOING and has done!
Glad Giraffe made it, glad you got to see it, glad and full of joy that your LOVE is all over this whole process!!!
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