Oh my, CUTENESS alert!
We got these pictures today from AMAZING Heidi!
It is still totally SURREAL that we soon will be holding our precious baby boy!
You can only begin to imagine the thoughts racing through our minds at the preparation for such a sacred moment, and for such an important trip!

REGARDLESS of how MANY more months we have to wait until we bring home our ADORABLE new son ... how can we keep from "SINGING your praise! How can I ever say enough! How AMAZING is your LOVE!" THANK YOU Jesus for the MIRACLE of our new son! THANK YOU Jesus for EACH ONE of our children! THANK YOU Jesus for EACH ONE of the daily blessings and gifts that you give us! We truly consider ourselves RICH beyond WORDS!

REGARDLESS of how MANY MORE MONTHS we have to wait to bring home Kody, we are FOREVER THANKFUL to AMAZING and AWESOME Romana and Bernard - and to AMAZING and AWESOME Heidi and George and their girls! You are all our HEROES and our INSPIRATION, and we are humbled at everything you have done for Kody and us, are doing, and will continue to do for God's kingdom right there in Ghana - loving on God's most precious little ones!
P.S. THANK YOU Jesus for the adoption decree! THANK YOU Jesus for continuing to take care of ALL of the details! When we bought our tickets last week we still did not have this document which we needed to file our US immigration paperwork! Really we were trusting God's provision and TIMING! Romana e-mailed today and she has it! THANK YOU Jesus!