About 2 months ago there was another baby boy who was struggling to survive, and like the baby boy 35 years ago, he too at the little age of 1 month was fighting for his life! He too like the other baby boy was brought to an orphanage, his birth family also being unable to care for him! And like the family 35 years ago asking for a baby boy, feeling that God clearly had put a baby boy on their hearts, there was another family asking if there was a baby boy who needed a forever mommy and daddy! Although the family a couple months ago had only waited 4 months which really is so short in the world of adoption, they too like the family 35 years ago had almost given up hope! They too were confused at God's direction and did not understand God's plans!
Sam's story from 35 years ago when he was adopted by his parents so intertwines with and parallells our new baby boy's story! So we thought it would only be right that our new son take the name of his new dad, Kody! We have decided on the name for our new son, Kody Michael! Cody is Sam's middle name, the K adding my Faroese heritage, as that is how Cody is spelled in the Faroe Islands!
When Kody first came into care he was named Michael by Romana/her staff, and has been called that for the last couple of months by amazing Heidi, George, and their girls!
The parallel of their stories continues, as 35 years ago Sam's parents could not bring him home right away, and had to leave him behind in the care of a total stranger! They entrusted Sam's life to someone who in hindsight could be viewed as one of God's angels! When they returned to pick up Sam, they did not recognize him! The frail almost lifeless baby boy had grown into a healthy chubby baby boy! The angel who they had entrusted their baby boy to, sat by his bed and fed him every time he woke up! The angel allowed herself to be used by God to perform a miracle in Sam's life, to give back life to the baby boy!
Although for some reason Heidi and George do not feel like strangers, we too have entrusted our precious son into their care! Actually I think more accurately, God has entrusted them with the care of our precious Kody! God put it on their hearts to care for the frail and malnourished orphan baby boy ... And WOW, they like Sam's nanny 35 years ago, they have done more than care for Kody! They have loved him as if he were their own son! They have poured into him around the clock, providing healing on every realm to our precious baby boy! We have pictures of Kody when he first came into care, the pictures of him now not looking ANYTHING like him now (the doctors in Ghana didn't even recognize him)! Heidi and her family like Sam's nanny, are allowing themselves to be used by God to perform a miracle in our precious Kody's life! They have given him back his life!
So in their honor we have decided to keep Michael as his middle name! In our hearts now as we yearn to have Kody home, we have precious mental pictures of them calling him Michael! We also know that they had their daughter's youth pastor pray over him, and she prophesied that Michael would be a "great warrior for the Lord," like the archangel Michael (I'm not sure if I have story entirely correct, but something like that)! This soooo is our prayer for Kody (and all of our children really), so we thought we wanted to keep this name of such great meaning!
"Kody Michael" we can't wait until the day we get to bring you home! We do already have your bed ready, we thought it would help your big brother Matteus if he had many months of realizing that yes he was getting a baby brother who would eventually share his room!
Although we miss you soo much to the point of heart ache, we PRAISE Jesus for the family that you have right now! We also have full faith that God will bring you home at His BEST pre-determined time! And we are SO thankful to God that He somehow deemed us worthy to be your parents!
We are humbled and overhwelmed by the fact that Kody's MIRACLEOUS story is God's story and ALL God's DOING, and that He somehow deemed us worthy to be a piece of the story! We feel like we have simply said "yes God" we would LOVE the sacred priviledge of being parents to BEAUTIFUL Kody ... and EVERYTHING else is God's doing and God's credit and God's PRAISES!!! I can only imagine ALL the details that God has ORCHESTRATED ... all the little miracles that God has performed, to perform the one He has done in our new son's life and in our life! People often tell us "it is so great what you are doing!" I want to shout back to that, "we haven't done anything, we have only said yes, that is IT ... God HAS and IS doing it ALL!!!!!!!!! " I usually answer that, but without the shouting!
THANK YOU Jesus for all the GOOD gifts YOU give us!
(It is AWESOME to think of how many more MIRACLES God will peform in the lives of the 140 million orphans who right now are WAITING for their forever families! For those of you who right now know that God has put ADOPTION on your hearts, take the LEAP OF FAITH, say "yes God!" Despite the inherent struggles in the adoption journey before and after your child comes home, it will be beyond words so worth it ... God WILL be faithful!)