I just had SPRING BREAK, and I had the MOST PURRRFECT week!
Nope I did not get to go anywhere SUNNY like 2 of my friends got to, and yep despite that sadly enough we had LOTS of rain this week, I still had an AMAZING week!
So what is a mom of 3 little kids (ALMOST 4) to do on Spring Break! I say LIVE IT UP! I say CARPE DIEM to the FULLEST! I say do as MANY FUN Things as you possibly can!
Which is EXACTLY what I did :)
Here are some pictures from Friday, the last day of Spring Spreak! Some of our other adventures including swimming at a huge indoor pool which had an indoor slide followed by a late SUSHI lunch (my kids all love sushi), going to the movies and seeing the latest Dr. Zeuss movie while simultanously eating too much popcorn, lots of visits to the park (some with friends and some without), a day inside full of building inside forts ... what a FUN week!

This picture was one of my favorites! Faithie and Matteus are JUMPING on the rock! They were laughing and laughing which is one of my favorite sounds! And I LOVE the ocean, hence why I also love this picture!

On Friday we went to one of my FAVORITE parks with some friends! I brought my kid's bikes and I took them on about a 20 minute bike ride on a trail that goes over a couple of wodden bridges, a rock trail, and a paved trail along the BEAUTIFUL harbor!! The kids did such a GREAT job! This was definately one of my highlights of the week! We then joined our friends for a picnic lunch with ocean front view, and then spend about an hour playing on the rocks and exploring, part of the exploring consisting of turning rocks over looking for crabs! Oh the JOY when there were crabs under the rocks, soooooooooo fun! On Friday the weather actually was GREAT, there being blue skies and sunshine by the time we left! We spent about 6 hours at this park!!

I LOVE this picture too! Although my kids do definately do their sharing of sibling fighting, they are also the BEST of friends! They love to play with each other and be with each other!

Here is one of the crabs that became our friends, he somehow got turned over in the midst of the turning rocks over!

Bella not only walked on this big log, she later climed a couple of trees! Soo much fun!

Here is proof that yes I really was there :)

This was a perfect finish to a perfect day, to a perfect week! Coffee with my 3 PRECIOUS Jewels, the EVIDENCE of God surrounding me, EVERYWHERE I loooked!!!
(We look forward to future adventures as a family of 6)