Where do we even begin ...
soooooooooooooooooo much has happened in the last 3 days!
What an AMAZING and GOOD God we serve!
Constantly the EVIDENCE of God is everywhere!
THANK YOU JESUS for what you are teaching us!
I met an amazing man yesturday who told me, "we don't have any food to eat. We don't get any rain, the ground is too dry. But we are happy. We have Jesus." And YES he did seem happy! The JOY of the Lord was evident on his face and beaming from His Spirit!
WE have SO much to learn from our Ghana sisters and brothers in the Lord! How many of us in North America with our EXCESS lifestyles, can truly say we are not only CONTENT but HAPPY with what we have!
Kody's mom died because she refused to stop walking. We didn't know what this really meant until we met the rest of Kody's biological family! And what we learned was that Kody's mom refused to stop working because her 5 already born children depended on her to feed them the basic amount of food that they needed to simply stay alive! Kody's mom walked carrying items on her head for a living, hence she refused to stop walking!
Kody's family had no clean water ... Sam and I have been talking contantly, "how much does a well cost, how much does an irrigation system cost." What can we do to help this family simply survive! We realize full well that Kody's family though is only 1 of countless others struggling to simply survive!
We would like to start a well drive ... how many wells do you think we (I mean you and me) could dig in one year time in North Ghana ... the poorest district in the country! The word "poorest" does not even seem adequate to describe the situations of so many families, mothers, fathers, children ... of our Ghana sisters and brothers in the Lord!
This trip is challenging and inspiring Sam and I that not only do we want to make a lasting difference in the lives of the poor and needy, but we can .... we can, we can, we can ... we not only CAN, we MUST!
With Joy!
Miss you and continuing to HOLD up our SHIELDS for you in prayer.
Dave and Carrie (kiddos too)