"Give THANKS to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the Nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all of His wonderful acts. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord REJOICE. Look to the Lord and His strength and seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles ... Give THANKS to the Lord for He is GOOD; His love endures FOREVER!"
Kody's life is evidence of God's love for His children, ALL His children (ALL of us and the 140 million orphans of the world)!
Sometimes I in awe wonder and ponder at how many more orphans God COULD save if He had more of us who said YES to Him, who would say yes to the call we KNOW God HAS placed on our hearts to adopt!
God SAVED Kody's life!
Kody is God's MIRACLE!!!
God used Romana, Heidi, George, Ellen, Yvonne, and Marina to perform this MIRACLE!
Did God save Kody because he was not loved or wanted? I don't think so! I actually think Kody is and was deeply loved and wanted!
Did God save Kody because our North American culture and lifestyle is better than that of those in Ghana? I don't think so! I actually think we have MORE to learn from our Ghana sisters and brothers than what they have to learn from us here in the US!
God saved Kody because Kody's biological family could not feed him or literally take care of him!
God not only saved Kody, He saved Sam and me! He saved us from ourselves! We were building a life that quite honestly was totally centered around ourselves!
If you don't believe me that God truly did a MIRACLE in Kody's life ... check out the picture above! It is one of the pictures we have of Kody when he first came into care! I have honestly NOT wanted to share this picture! I have wanted to protect Kody's privacy! Today I felt like I needed to share it!
It is our way of MAKING KNOWN AMONG THE NATIONS WHAT GOD HAS DONE!!! God has done it ALL!! We did not do a thing! God deserves all the GLORY and PRAISES!!!!! Look ...
We are looking to the Lord and His Strength! We are seeking His face, we are remembering the wonders and miracles He has done, truly on a daily basis in SO many seemingly big and little ways! We are giving THANKS to God for His goodness!
"How can I keep from singing YOUR PRAISE! How can I EVER Say enough! How AMAZING is your LOVE ... "
"THANK YOU JESUS for saving our son Kody! THANK YOU Jesus for SAVING US! We stand in AWE, are completely humbled, and give YOU all the PRAISES! Thank you for allowing us the honor of being part of this miracleous story"
(THANK YOU Anne for sharing this scripture with us!)
(Nope, no news yet of WHEN Kody is coming home!)