It just feels totally wrong! Kody is our son and we want to bring him home! The fact that at this point that is what is going to happen is not sitting well with my heart!
I keep on praying for God's perfect timing for when Kody will come ... as our business here in Ghana is slowing down, I'm realizing that I need to gear myself up for Thursday! I need to make sure that I'm TOTALLY LEANING on Jesus, otherwise I'm afraid my heart will break!
I think about leaving him, and I really can start breaking into a sob ... maybe that is being too honest!
My heart is hurting, yet simultaneously I above ALL trust God with my WHOLE heart and I TRUST HIS predetermined will and I believe that Kody will come home when he is supposed to!
What a precious gift he is! It is hard for me to comprehend what Kody has already gone through in his little life! He has traveled further than some people go in their life time! He has endured more heartache and suffering than most of us will ever face! Yet desite all of this he is doing AMAZING! He is a happy little baby boy, who LOVES to be held and spend every waking minute either talking, exploring his environment, tasting my face, laughing as he is pretty ticklish, sleeping in car rides, and just being simply put sweet and adorable himself!
How do I explain this MIRACLE that has happened in our son's life! I without a shadow of a doubt know that God performed this miracle through Heidi and George and their girls! The words "super mom" come into mind when I think of Heidi - she is an amazing woman! She truly has been the instrument God used to give our son back his life! I believe that had she not said yes to God, Kody would not be alive today! Kody would not have made it without the consistent and around the clock one on one nurturing and love that she and her wonderful family provided!
THANK YOU Jesus for Heidi and George and their girls! Heidi shared with me that they have decided that this is the passion and calling - they are going to continue fostering babies ... it will be EXCITING and AWESOME to see what God will continue to do through them! It gives me chills ... at the thought of the IMPACT they will have! WOW!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU Jesus for what you do through us when we say YES! Help me to on a daily basis say yes to you, with the small and big things you ask me to do!
I too am praying for your "mommy heart." I pray that you are able to soak in each moment with him without your departure looming in your thoughts. I do remember how difficult that was. Praying for a peace that only Jesus can give.
Kody is just darling!!