We are HERE!
It is hard to know where to begin ...
Everything truly is beyond our imagination ...
We left Lynden feeling blessed, we still feel BLESSED!
Kody is ... AMAZING!
Oooohhh, he is the most sweetest little baby boy!
I can tell that he misses wonderful Heidi, and when he sees her it is more apparent!
He though is as HAPPY as can be! He LOVES to be held! He LOVES to talk! He LOVES to smile! He REALLY is a content and easy going little guy!!!
He woke up about 15 minutes ago, and he spent the first 15 minutes just laying right beside me "talking," looking at me, letting me massage his sweet little body, and smiling! How PRECIOUS!
What an ABSOLUTE GIFT he is! I look at our precious new son and I think what did I do to deserve such a wonderful gift! I didn't do anything, except say yes ... and somehow God deemed us worthy to be his new parents! That comes with amazing humility and responsibility!
I do already wonder HOW I am going to be able to leave him when the time comes to head back to the US ... although I know he is in AMAZING hands and is truly loved, I already anticipate it being one of the hardest things I will ever do!
Kody even took a shower yesturday with his new mommy, and did wonderfully! He also loves to go for car rides, he checks everything out along the way! He lets us know if he wants to be picked up, fed or if we are not talking enough with him :) It is AWESOME, he is AWESOME!
Bella, Matteus and Faith - I can't wait for you to meet your new brother! I KNOW that you are going to LOVE HIM TO PIECES! You are going to think he's WONDERFUL just like mommy and daddy do!
I do feel COVERED in prayer! Thank you and please keep praying!
Our flights went smoothly, and we both even slept a little bit! I would have to say that the Ghanian people on the flight were the nicest I can really remember people ever being with each other on a flight! Everyone was so friendly and helpful with each other! It left a mark!
We got picked up at the aiport by the very sweet George the taxi driver who we have heard so much about ... Heidi and George and their girls are nicer than we imagined, nice does not even begin to seem like an adequate word ... kind, generous, thoughtful, helpful, awesome, amazing, ... I could go on and on! They too truly are an amazing gift, and wow do we feel blessed! We got to meet sweet Tanya at BH and got a quick tour - made my heart jump - oh all of you considering adoption - DO IT! So many sweet souls waiting for their forever mommies and daddies!
We made it IN to the US embassy, by some this is considered a victory! And we filed our I-600! YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! We are missing 1 piece of paperwork which we will file on Monday! On Monday we are also hoping Kody's passport will be here, and that we can do his medical for his visa! PLEASE KEEP PRAYING ...
We even had a fairly decent sleep last night despite the heat, I think it was our new angel that woke us up more than the heat :)
Although we miss our 3 jewels (Bella, Faith and Matteus) at home desperately, we are doing great and truly feeling blessed!
We travel up North tomorrow (Saturday) and ask that you PLEASE KEEP ON PRAYING!!
I remember leaving our little one- Jesus walked with us. I'll be praying that your time apart is short!
We are all praying for your family (and we will pray especially hard for peace when you need to leave).
-The Molendyk's
Moses' mom
I LOVE LOVE seeing him in your arms!
I can ot believe you are in the land of Ghana...it makes my heart jump...I do miss it and the people. (the heat NO, but the kids and the staff and the people!)
We have our ARMOR on for you! We are praying for EVERYTHING the Holy Spirit tells us to pray!
WE miss and love you guys...your hearts are BEAUTIFUl....and as always, your perspective is INSPIRING!!!
Give big smooches for all the beautiful BH kids, and the staff too.
The whole S family.
Amanda (and Phil)