Yesturday was my last day of work until the middle of January ... Last week we hired a leave replacement counselor, who I am so excited about! Well yesturday, my co-workers suprised me with a gift for Kody's village!
This gift was headed up by our wonderful librarian Shelley!
As a staff, they in total gave $875 towards Kody's project!
THANK YOU Jesus for this partnership!
THANK YOU Jesus for moving in their hearts!
THANK YOU Jesus for what you will do through this money in Kody's village!!!
When Sam and I were in Ghana we committed to doing a project for Kody's village! As all of you know international adoptions are very expensive and with me taking a maternity leave - we were not sure how we could manage this ... but we knew in our hearts that we HAD TO DO SOMETHING!!!
Well, how EXCITING to be doing this TOGETHER with my co-workers!! What a BLESSING that Kody's story and the story of his village has MOVED THEIR HEARTS to ACTION!!! Ohhhh, I feel SOOO completely BLESSED!!!! This gift from them and the partnership with Sam and I COMPLETELY BLESSES my heart!!!!
I am SOOOOOOOO EXCITED about this first project ... in my heart I am hoping and dreaming that it is the first of MANY PROJECTS!!!