I have been in the mean while trying to CARPE DIEM ... and have tried to enjoy all of the things which have been going on!!
Here are some of the MAJOR highlights from the last 2 weeks (as there have been MANY) that I would have missed would I have been in Ghana! They are in no particular order ...
Highlight #1 Bella had her 2nd Ballet recital and did FABELOUSLY! What a BEAUTIFUL Ballerina she is!
Highlight #7 - Being there for Bella's last day of kindergarten, and being the proud mamma when she rode on the back of her dad's (pappa's) motorcycle leaving school for the official last day of school wave!!
Highlight #8 - Being able to spend time with my beautiful sister Esther and her husband Jeremy who came into town from out of State for a visit two weekends ago!
Highlight #9 - Being able to finish up the year at my job and help hire my leave replacement, and also helping finish up other His Kids ministry stuff!!
Highlight #10 - Being here for the fishing derby ... as Bella so proudly caught a fish and then helped daddy prepare it for lunch! Faithie on the other hand cried at the sight of the fish as she was scared, and Matteus cried at the thought of eating the fish - he thought that was quite unkind!
Highlight #11 - As painful as the month home from Ghana as been, God has continued to refine me on many different levels ... and working in both Sam and me in ways we have not expected ... all for the GOOD ...
Okay, I could go on and on ....
Lets just say that up until this week, I don't think a day went by where we didn't have 1-2 events going on every day ... I really could go on and on ...
Next week, we don't have AS much going on ...
Next week would be a good week :)
The Blaske's love that you "count" your blessings in the midst of trials...we count with you! Thankyou for being real and lovin' life along side us. We are the blessed ones! This past weekend and week have been life changing in deep ways!
With JOY!
Maria, you are awesome! (and your husband isn't too bad either:)