THANK YOU Jesus!!!
Heidi and George and the girls are not leaving for South Africa until July 15 ...
There is still something in me that feels like I need to get to Ghana, that I need to prepare to go to Ghana before then! I'm not sure if this is God's direction, or me wanting to have control over the situation (not that I would have that much more control Ghana side/it is debatable whether I would actually have ANY control - I think this is ALL in the SPIRITUAL realms now), or if it is just me missing Kody desparately ...
So Sam and I will be on our knees ... I'm praying about possibly leaving Tuesday July 8 instead ...
We still SO appreciate your prayers for Kody's passports - and the other passports! Someone is supposed to be talking with Immigration Officer (K) today to find out what has happened to Kody's passport application! At this point it is very possible that it is in the same pile (so to speak) as the other 2 passports that are being held up by the Immigration Director who is VERY much against international adoption and might make it his mission to interfere and destroy on levels that we cannot even imagine ...
He looks super cute, with those big happy eyes in the pic posted yesturday.
Maybe Uppa could drive kids all the way? He was planning to do so on his on anyways.
Love Es
In the midst of uncertainty, your blog continues to bless! God is ministering through you in this situation.
Kody is darling! I know you are anxious to get to him so I'll be praying for clear revelation on what is the intended time.
Rebecca and RJ