Hi Kody! I am your new sister and I just wanted to tell you that I can't wait until you come home!! I have known about you for a long time now, way before mom and dad! God actually told me quite a while ago now that we should adopt a boy from Africa, it took my mom and dad a long time to fully believe it and trust it! When they were not sure what to do, I would tell them, "mom, a boy from Africa!" That was all I knew, I didn't know how little and cute you would be! These days I keep on asking our mom, "mom, can't you go on an airplane tomorrow and bring Kody home!" She keeps on telling me that it is not time yet! I don't get it! We are all ready for you to come! Mom also tells me that God has the perfect time already figured out! And she tells me that you have so many wonderful people who are loving you right now! So in the meanwhile I am dressing one of my babies in baby boy clothes and I pretend it is you!

So although we talk about you every day ... we are also busy doing lots of different things! These pictures were taken at my last soccer game! This is our sister Faith and our brother Matteus! Soccer is not really my thing, I would much rather be doing the monkey bars, riding my bike, swimming, doing ballet, or picking flowers! I'm thinking Faith might like soccer more than me! Faith also just got her training wheels taken off her bike and wow you should have seen her! She was amazing! Today she was totally riding by herself! She is excited too about you coming home! I think she just figured out too that you are coming from Africa, kind of like how she came from China! She was pretty excited about that! She is sweet, you will like her a lot!

Faith and Matteus are both really excited for you to come home! Matteus is actually talking about all of the things he is going to share with you! He really is not the best at sharing, so I hope he is serious! But he is also sweet like Faith - and he is really funny too! He loves to be silly! We are all hoping you will like to be silly too! He loves you too already like I do - I know he will be a wonderful brother! He just started telling mom though that he thinks we should get you and a new sister too ... I'm not quite sure what that is about!

This is a picture of my team, we are doing our final cheer at our final game!

This is Faith and me again! Our mom and dad love to take us all for bike rides, both kinds, where we get to ride and where they get to ride! I don't think they have quite figured out who you will ride with when you get here! I think they are hoping I will ride my bike for the long rides, which is okay with me!

Matteus always wants to ride with mom, so I don't think you will be riding there! Although you will be too little when you get home anyways!

Here are Faith and I with dad! We are at one of the parks close by our house! There are 3 of them that we like to go too! I can't wait to bring you! I love getting all of the pictures of you, especially the one where you were giving us drooling kisses! We just all think you are TOTALLY ADORABLE!!!! Kisses and Hugs from me (and Faith and Matteus) to you!
I was so glad that you commented on my blog the other day -- because I lost your blog addy when my computer crashed last year and I've wondered every now and then about what ever happened with your adoption. I am SO happy to find out about your precious little guy! He is ADORABLE! We've been considering Ghana for our next adoption... we'll see. I may be e-mailing you with questions next time around! :)
Many blessings!
God has really blessed him with a wonderful forever family.
He is going to be a very special young man, in a precious family.