I leave next week Tuesday night (the 22nd of July) on a red eye and return on Friday August 22 (YAHOO just in time for our wonderful friends who are coming from NJ! I am SO EXCITED about these dear friends coming)!
A WHOLE MONTH in Ghana!!! I remember in May how I blogged about how anxious I was about leaving my THREE PRECIOUS PRECIOUS JEWELS for 10 days, well how does a mom prepare to leave her PRECIOUS PRECIOUS JEWELS for a WHOLE MONTH and how does a wife prepare to leave her husband (her honey and best friend - my rock)!!! I don't think I will get it figured out ... well leaning on Jesus is the only way I will be able to board that plane next Tuesday night (and I will leave notes and gifts for the kids and a big calender with events on it which we did last time) ... poor whoever is sitting beside me as I'm sure my tears will be uncontrollable at that point! Maybe I'll be too tired to cry ...
The other side of what lies ahead is that I get to see and be Kody's mommy! I think no more explanation or words are needed ... I GET TO SEE KODY AGAIN!!!!!!!
LORD WILLING though, I will NOT be in Ghana for the whole month as we are praying that God will MOVE THE MOUNTAINS and will provide Kody's passport!!!! In the last few days, Sam and I have really felt convicted that we need to prepare to go to Ghana and FIGHT for Kody! I'm not sure what this will all entail, we just feel like we need to do whatever is within our control to bring our son home! If this means that I spend a month sitting at the passport office (which I know probably will not be all that productive) this is what I will do!!! PLEASE be praying for this ... that GOD WOULD PROVIDE THE WAY and that GOD WOULD PROVIDE THE PASSPORT!!!!
I am preparing to be God's instrument during my month in Ghana, I am preparing for Him to use me in any way He chooses to bring our son home!!! I am preparing to help the process in any way that I can!!!
I already see God's hand in the process and in the details of the month ...
#1 - While I'm gone our kids will spend half of the time in Alberta with my sister Esther and her husband Jeremy - and another sister Beinta is currently living there too - they will get their via my dad who will drive them their with our van! THANK YOU FAMILY, we could not do this without your love, support and help! THANK YOU Jesus!
#2 The other half I'm still trying to figure out ... my mom can do a few days while Sam is working ... and the rest is still up in the air!! I have had friends volunteer to watch the kids during the day (which I'm going to have to take them up on) and I'm hoping to have a teenager come ...
#3 - I'm staying at Heidi and George's home, and the gardener and housekeeper will be there! Oh my goodness and WOW!!! Heidi and George have SO gone over and beyond what any normal person would do ... they keep on pouring out and pouring out their lives!!!! If you ever go to Ghana, you should meet them!!! The housekeeper will be taking care of Kody's sweet foster sister ... Again, WOW! THANK YOU Jesus!
And #4, #5, #6, #7 ... God will take care of the rest of the details!!!
THANK YOU Jesus for EVERYTHING you have done, are doing, and will do!!!!
THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed, is praying and will continue to pray!!! Please know that especially when I am in Ghana we will be leaning on your prayers!!!
(I know lots of pictures of ME ... I posted pics of the kids with me for me and them, to go back and look at while in Ghana :))!!!
Wonderful song choice! It is one of my favorites and is so so RIGHT in this situation. We are fighting the spiritual fight with you for Kody's passport and for you to return home in less than one month with him in your arms.
Praying with you both.
Rebecca (and RJ)
God Speed!