We have NO news to share!
Quite honestly we don't know anything more than we did last week, nor than what we knew one month ago!!
Quite honestly we don't know anything more than we did last week, nor than what we knew one month ago!!
PLEASE keep Kody's passports in your prayers!!
PLEASE pray that God would MOVE in the hearts of EVERYONE involved and that there would be a resolution or some kind of news with Kody's passport!
At this point, we don't know any specifics about Kody's passports ... so we don't even know specifically how to pray! God knows the specifics though, if you would pray with us! That would SO BLESS OUR HEARTS!
We also don't know when we need to be preparing for me to go to Ghana for the month ...
Everything continues to be UP IN THE AIR with us ...
We continue to hour by hour and day by day WAIT ON THE LORD ...
I know some of you are wondering ... so I thought I would update everyone!
I hope you get some clear definition soon as to the trip to Ghana and the passport hold-up and everything. Waiting is hard enough without wondering how/when things are going to play out. We went to Liberia on a gut feeling that we needed to go then and I am so glad we did -- even though it was a little scary at the time.
Peace to you.
Your family is in our prayers as well as the individuals in Ghana who can move this along.
K :)