THANKS to everyone for the encouraging posts!
Today was a mellow day! I didn't go anywhere, which was kind of nice! Kody and I hung out all day! I took him swimming in Heidi and George's pool, I'm thinking I need to do that every day if I get a chance! It was TOTALLY NICE!!!
I also did some reading outside in their BEAUTIFUL garden while Kody was napping! Oh wow, is it breathtaking! I'll have to post pics of them when I get home! It is taking WAY too long to post pics from here :)
Romana shared a story with me on Sunday that has stuck with me and I've been thinking about it! She shared about how when she was up North in May and needed someone to travel up (it would take 1/2 day on a paid one hour airplane ride) to bring a sick newborn down to Accra who was on an IV she called her missionary nurse friend! The missionary nurse friend told her she needed to, "pray about it!" Romana then called another nurse missionary friend, Marlene (amazing woman) who instantly said yes without any hesitation or questions!
I've been thinking about what kind of person I am ... am I someone who moves to action when there is a need right in front of my face! Am I Jesus' hands and feet to those around me, without question, without hesitation, serving with my whole self! I know I'm not, I think I too often come up with some excuse, sometimes it being that I need to "pray!" Don't get me wrong though, I would put myself into the category of a prayer warrior ... I just think some situations are OBVIOUS as to what God would do and what He wants us to do!
It also makes me think of a church that our friends from home attend where the Pastor shared how the following Thursday they would be fixing the roof of a home for teenage girls! The need had just been made obvious to him, and it was also OBVIOUS to him what God would want them to do! What an example this pastor is to the rest of us, and to the rest of us body and communities of believer!
I guess it all goes back to the saying and to scripture for me ... "... Once our eyes are opened we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act." "To whom much is given, much is required!" Matthew 24:45
Sam and I have been praying through another major decision since May ... and in the last few days ... there just seems to be no other answer then YES, YES, YES, YES!!! We will see if it all works out the way our hearts are leading! For us considering everything we know, there just seems to be no other answer at this point ... aside from the fact that God has given us both peace and confirmation and open doors! I'll share this decision at a later point ...
BLESSINGS from Ghana! CARPE DIEM in whatevery you are doing!!
We can't wait to hear your news and we'll be praying for you as you continue to answer the Lord's call on your lives.
We have experienced so much joy and intimacy with the Lord in answering YES with this current adoption when the world would have expected a no. We were scared to answer YES but we know this is all for His Glory. And even though we have no assurances or guarantees that these little boys will join us, we are experiencing peace and joy on the journey-- and an unexpected blessing is how much easier it is for me to share my faith with complete strangers.... this is too long for a blog comment LOL!
You are an inspiration!
It is so wonderful to know you!!
With Joy!
i have been praying non stop for your journey. on sunday at church we sang the song for the glory of it all and i just totally feel like god was there. and i really think that he was holding kody's passport so that you could go there in order to help you make your descion. as we know god always has a plan.
The pool at Heidi and Georges is BEAUTIFUL and refreshing! I say ENJOY EVERYDAY!! As for your YES and YES and YES YES YES!!! We are glad to be friends with you! All the way through what ever happens!
***Side note: Please: if it works...can you email me....maybe even from Romana's computer if your email is not working. (need to talk asap)
Thanks for posting!
Please let me know if I need to send those messages to you another way and pray that this night brought you rest and peace :)
Love to you!
Kathy (Russ too)
PS Our heart's desire and of course prayer is that tomorrow's post from you tells us when you are coming home with Kody!
I just saw your three little ones today! They were in quite good spirits but I think that they were a little out of it after that long drive!! Ohh. Sadly, I only saw them briefly because I had to go to work but I will see them again in the a.m.
Hope all is well with you.
eg elski teg. beinta
Once I heard a story of pastor who asked a lady how she was doing and she replied
"Okay, I guess, under the circumstances" to which the pastor replied "What are you doing UNDER there?" LOL We are OVERcomers not UNDER the circumstances!!! Love you lots.