It is absolutely AWESOME to have ALL FOUR of our kids together!!!
It is absolutely AWESOME to sleep in my own bed next to my honey!
It is absolutely AWESOME to watch the kids interact with Kody!
(Yes, Kody got a hair cut ... sooooo cute!)
Sweet, sweet Faithie! Faithie has struggled a bit in adjusting to having a new sibling! Change is always hard for Faith, so we did predict this! We have had a lot of GREAT conversations, some of which involve her asking me if I'm going back to Africa! Also Faith's understanding of babies is limited, as in her orphanage the babies pretty much laid in their cribs all day ... as we are certain of that Faith did too!! A turning point for Faith was when I told her she could hold Kody, she really was afraid too! So a little bit later I put Kody in her lap, and she LOVED holding him!! She also then on her own initiative (following suit of Bella and Matteus who both had randomly come up and given Kody kisses while she was holding him), gave Kody kisses! I also have told her that she now is officially "big!" In the past she has been "little and big," these terms coming with priviledges and restrictions within our family ... she now is Kody's big sister :) I would have to say that in my sleep deprived jet legged stage I had a few moments of feeling very worried about Faithie, since the moment in this picture (and what followed) I'm no longer worried :)
Kody ... ABSOLUTELY LOVES having 3 siblings! It is a a miracleous thing, watching new siblings together! Wathing them makes me forgot that they just met, as it seems like they have always been together! Kody loves to be held by them, and loves all the sweet and silly thigns they do! They are constant entertainment to him, he is constantly smiling and laughing at them!
Ohhhhhhhhh, how PRECIOUS and what a GIFT!!!!
K :)
(Hey, do you still have an 'in' with Kofi? We are in need of some passports!!) :)
What a wonderful joy! Congratulations on your new family. We are praying for you to be back on your feet and feeling better.
Lisa Aydelotte