Since May ... for almost 3 months now I have prayed for a man named Kofi! And I know many of you have prayed ... that God would move in his heart to process Kody's passport ... thank you for your prayers!
Well today I met this man who we all have prayed for!
In hindsight, I should have taken his picture ...
He has been instrumental in our adoption process ...
After curch Romana dropped Muksi (my wonderful new friend from Austria) and me and our 3 children off. We waited for about 40 minutes until he came home from church! Kofi was not expecting us although I can't say that he looked too surprised! His family and friends were surprised, but not him! Romana had warned him earlier in the week ...
And what were his words to me near the end of our meeting, ... "GOD WILL DO IT!!!!"
I spent most of last night praying for this meeting today as SO many thoughts and ideas have gone through my head of what to say to him ... and God used Kofi to confirm what God has been saying all along!!! When we started this adoption process, I felt God clearly say that Kody's adoption would be all about HIM ... and it has been! Kody is God's miracle! Everything that has happened is God's doing and God intervening, the only thing Sam and I did were say yes!
Kofi was talking about Kody's passport getting signed! Kofi also shared that the Immigration Director was not around to sign the passport last week, he then proceeded to tell me, "I promise it will be done by Tuesday!"
Kody's passport application was filed the day after we legally became his parents ... that was in April (over 3 months ago) ... and for WEEKS in May, then June, then July Kofi has said it would be done next week! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... I said "Kofi, don't make a promise unless you can keep it!" :)
I did also share pictures with Kofi of Kody when he first came into care, of our visit up North with Kody's biological family, and of Kody's sisters and brother and dad at home!! These pictures and Kody's and our story DID SEEM to make an impression on him!
Kofi was kind and gracious ...
We will see what this week brings!!!
Now I know where Kofi lives ...
Obviously this has not happened in my timing ... but again I have to say that I have learned so much through this process ... and even just in the last week ... and especially in the weeks prior coming to Ghana when Sam and I wrestled about what to do!!!
Me coming has been ANOTHER MAJOR STEP of FAITH for us! The last time we were in church our pastor preached on the Battle of Jericho, and how really in reality there was no battle as God TOOK CARE OF EVERYTHING! The Isralites did not fight in the way that fighting normally happens in battles and wars ... instead they TRUSTED GOD and DID EXACTLY WHAT HE TOLD THEM TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coming to Ghana and getting Kody's passport has been Sam's and my Jericho, and we are TRUSTING GOD TO FINISH this battle! We have our armor on, and we are ready to do WHATEVER He asks ... It is though NOT about us, it is ALL about what He has done, is doing, and will do!!!!!
We appreciate your continual prayers for Kofi and Kody's passport ...
I thought I would share something neat that happened yesterday. I was cleaning out some old coats and found a hospital admissions form I had to sign for my surgery when we lost our first baby. (Remember I said OLD coats!) I couldn't believe it when I saw that we still had this paper all folded up in a pocket. But I was even more shocked by the date. Feb 11. Exactly 5 years later our little Trevin was born. (We know Kelly would say "it's a sign" :) ) I am keeping this to remind me of God's faithfulness and how He continues to show me through Trevin's adoption that He is a God of miracles. God is going to use Kody to be this reminder to many of us as well!!!
Praying for you,
Love to you and waiting with anticipation for your next post that is titled, "Passport in Hand, Praise God!!!"
You are in my prayers,
We are praying that Kofi does indeed keep his word. I don't know all of the situation with Kofi and the passport but I do think every time a government official is able to meet an adoptive parent like you, it helps demonstrate our collective love and devotion to waiting chidren.
Thanks for everything you have done for families currently waiting and for those who will just now feel the call to become parents again.
Praying you both home...
We are praying that Kofi does indeed keep his word. I don't know all of the situation with Kofi and the passport but I do think every time a government official is able to meet an adoptive parent like you, it helps demonstrate our collective love and devotion to waiting chidren.
Thanks for everything you have done for families currently waiting and for those who will just now feel the call to become parents again.
Praying you both home...
I am rejoicing with you although I know you are holding your breath until Tuesday. Like others wrote, I too agree 100% that you are paving the way for those of us who are next in line for passports for our kids. Thank you for taking this Jericho for all of us. I pray that your work there would not be in vain and that it would be the beginning of faster processing from here on out. I ask God to give you courage, stamina, peace and endurance as you continue to be bold and confident in fighting for Kody and as the other part of your heart is back home. What a glorious day it will be when you are all together! :) blessings,lori - hug Apollos for me!