Soooooooooo Kody's passport was not done today!
And Kofi was no where around!
Last night was a difficult night for me, I really was missing my kids and husband a lot! I was also having hopes of being able to go home soon, WITH Kody!
Now that dream that seemed almost reality, feels a bit shattered! There are other families waiting for passports to be signed as well, through AAI, and 2 independent adoptions that I know of! Their passports are approved as well, and are simply requiring signatures! The Immigration Director is seemingly not making himself available to sign passports ...!
All that is left to happen is that the secretary brings him a stack of passports, of which Kody's will be one, and he signs them! That is IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the same Immigration Director that is holding up the passport applications of the the 2 other precious Beacon House kids!!!!!!!!
Romana said when she was at the passport office earlier this week she heard lots of Ghanaians complaining and being angry about their passport applications taking SO long (that is LONGER than the ORDINARY long wait)!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE pray for strength, perseverence, wisdom, and discernment for me ...
PLEASE pray for Kody's passport, that Kofi would assertively pursue getting the signature, and that an opportunity for signings with the Director would arise ...
"Those that WAIT UPON the Lord WILL renew their strength, they will MOUNT UP ON WINGS LIKE EAGLES ..."
(The adorable boy above is waiting for his family to come and get him - he is legally their son! I'm hoping his family doesn't mind that I post his picture on my blog - let me know if you do and I'll take it off ASAP! I took this picture today! I have a beautiful picture for you M family, that he worked so hard on to color and make beautiful for you! I also have pictures for the family of D and R, I believe are the initials!)
With so much love & appreciation and of course continued prayers for us all!!!
What a joy to see M's sweet face on your blog. He can't get any cuter Kathy---true JOY!
We haven't ceased praying for any of these passports. We are lifting each family by name and praying for the immigration officials to sign these passports.
On another note, Maria- did you get my email reply? I wasn't sure if you were able to laod your emails and I didn't want you to think I wasn't answering.
Praying for you both in Ghana and your precious family waiting at home.
Praying for a more peaceful day for you tomorrow, and of course for that passport!
you can send pictures to mdavidson@stx.rr.com
thank you!