Two words ...

Two words best describe my last couple of weeks ...

Typhoid Fever!

Yep, I really did get tyhphoid fever which landed me in the hospital for 6 days, with about 4 days leading up to my hospital stay being particular tough ...

And now I'm on the SLOW road to recovery!

I have a "pick" in, what a wonderful thing this device is! It allows me to give me my own medicine via an IV ... When they first explained it to me, I was in total opposition of having it done but after realizing that this was the only way I could to go Whistler (where I am now), I agreed! In the end the process was easy and pretty painless, the nurse did a fabelous job!

I refuse to ask "why" this happened, as my reasons for especially the horrible timing of when it happened are endless! I trust God's goodness, despite what life brings, despite "surviving a major life illness," as one of the doctors said to me when he greeted me in the hospital! On a personal level, throughout the last month I have repeatedly in different ways been stripped of everything I held dearly ...

I have to say though I am THANKFUL I was here in the US versus in Ghana! I'm also THANKFUL for my husband's work which allowed him all the time off so he could be with me in the hospital (he would go home for dinnertime and bedtime)! And I'm THANKFUL for the friends and family that poured in showers of blessings on our family, through watching the kids, through meals, through flowers, through visits at the hospital and so forth!

And although I'm still catching up processing the events of the last couple of weeks, I would have to say it sure makes you take inventory and realize the things you every day take for granted ... being able to hug my kids, being able to pick up my kids, living a healthy and pain free life, being physically mobile and being able to walk/run/bike/roller blade, and the list goes on and on ...

My advise now ... when the doctor tells you the typhoid fever shot is not required but he/she reccommends it ... take the shot :) Actually my advise ... take whatever shots/pills the wise traveling doctor advises ... :)
Despite the beyond words toughness of the last couple of weeks, don't wonder for even one second if I would do it all again ... just one look at the precious face of our son Kody makes it all worth it ...


Kristin said…
Oh, Maria, I am so thankful you are on the road to recovery!! Of COURSE it was all worth it :) Many, many prayers have been said on your behalf - you have touched many people through this journey. May the Lord bless you with increasing strength and decreasing pain and JOY, JOY, JOY in Him and in your family!

Oh, and my husband and I did get the typhoid vaccine. Lesson learned!!!
Jen said…
Maria, I have been so concerned about you. I was so happy to see your post and that you are up and around. I was very worried for you and my first thought also was "Thank you God that she was here! I am glad that passport came in time for you to make it home" After taking Selina to the hospital and seeing what the hospital in Ghana is like, you have been so blessed to have been here.
I am praying for you and your family...

Ericka said…
Oh Maria, thank you for the update. We've been incredibly worried about you AND your family.
Glad you are on the slow road back. I have a feeling lots of hugs from your kids and husband will speed that up :)
Rebecca said…
What a delight to see a post from you! We are praising the Lord that you are home and on your way to being healed.
Praying for sweet, sweet times with your blessed children.
lori said…
We are praising God that you are out of the hospital. Take it easy while you recover and you better believe I will be taking your advice and getting all shots and pills that are legal! :)
The Princess said…
So happy to hear that you are feeling better. The kids did indeed miss their mommmy! And I am sure they are beyond glad to have you back home.

Unknown said…
So thankful that you are healing and thank you for another "giggle" - you already know Kody has that effect on me! Joshua prays for "Maria, Moses' friend" :) Well, since you ditched me at the Fair, when you get back home, we'll do cotton candy at the house, OK?!!

Love to you!
K said…
NOT exactly how we wanted you to spend this joyous time in your lives!

So relieved and grateful that you are on the road to wellness again, and that you are back with your beautiful family.

Your faith is encouraging and inspiring, and I am grateful to have been witness to it while you were in the midst of this storm.

Praying that this will be completely behind you very soon.

Much love to you and your lovely family!
Carrie said…
So good to hear you are doing better! I'm glad we got the chance to see you, even though you were so sick. We miss all of you, and hope you are having a wonderful time in Whistler. Thank God for that passport!

K said…
Just a thought for readers that may travel to Ghana......

The Typhoid shot or oral vaccination is strongly recommended, but precautions should still be taken, as it is not 100%

Typhoid Fever is best treated in Ghana, as they are EXPERTS with tropical diseases. They see this kind of thing day in and day out, and test for it and treat it quickly.

Also, there are some great hospitals/clinics/doctors in Ghana, so please don't ever hesitate to seek treatment when you are in need.

Praying for excellent health to soon return to you, Maria!

I am overjoyed that you are all TOGETHER as a family!

So wonderful that you had so many loving people surrounding you during this scary time! What a BLESSING it is to know that you are loved and supported like that!

the smiths said…
I wondered why there hadn't been a post in a while! I can't believe what you have been through these past weeks. So glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. We have continued to pray for you and your family, and now can pray for your health! :) Enjoy Whistler - isn't it amazing!!??
Anonymous said…
Maria,Sam & little jewels,
We are truly thankful that you are on the road to recovery. We believe that the days ahead will only be filled with blessings.Maria, enjoy being home - we know how much you miss them all when you're not with them. Lots of hugs to all the precious ones.
Heidi & George + all the girls