Bye, bye PICK LINE!!!!


My pick line is gone, my pick line is gone, my pick line is gone, my pick line is gone!
Can you hear me singing :)

I'm not quite sure exactly as to why the removal of my pick line being gone is SO EXCITING, AWESOME, AMAZING!!!

Aside from the obvious limitations and inconveniences of it, I think it also signals to me the closing of this chapter of my life, and the life of my family! The chapter that will forever be called, "when mamma got typhoid!"
Bye, bye typhoid!

THANK YOU Jesus for your healing power!

THANK YOU Jesus for being right beside me during of every part of my typhoid experience, even and especially during my lowest and darkest points!
THANK YOU for carrying me in these moments, and in all of the moments!

THANK YOU for that you love me completely and only want the best for me and every person in my family, whom you have decided to bless me with, givin me the sacred priviledge of being mom and wife to them!
THANK YOU for taking care of my family through friends and family who truly were Your hands and feet to us during this very difficult time!

THANK YOU for my AMAZING husband who not only during my being sick but throughout our whole dating and marriage, has shown me beyond my wildest dreams, and beyond any expectations of what it means to truly LOVE!

THANK YOU for that you have a PLAN that I will never understand on this side of eternity!

THANK YOU for the renewed perspective I have of life as a result of the tyhphoid, to even more so CARPE DIEM!

Bye, bye typhoid!


Unknown said…
I could hear your praises down here!!! This is awesome!!! This chapter now closing :) I know you already know this, when we are in the center of God's will, it is our safest refuge, despite any storm!!

We never ate that cotton candy but you never know what tomorrow brings!!! :)

Love to you!