My amazing, wonderful, sweet, thoughtful, smart, helpful, AWESOME oldest daughter is in 1st grade ... in FULL-TIME school!!!!
I would have to say that on her first day last week my heart felt like it was going to BREAK!!! And I honestly had to hold back my sobbing! This I quickly realized would not have helped Bella at all ... she would have been a mess too!
Although if truth be told I LOVE Bella's teacher ... she is FABELOUS!!!!! Bella goes to the school that I work at 1/2 time (and am taking the maternity leave from) ... and so honestly I have dreamed about my kids having this teacher since I started working at this school 5 years ago!! So as soon as I took Bella to her class I felt completely blessed and at ease! I believe this teacher is planning to retire after this year ... what a GIFT she is to every student and parent who has her!
Faithie also started back at pre-school and ABSOLUTELY loves it! I don't think she ever loved it last year like she is already is this year!
Faithie also has a wonderful teacher who Faith totally adores! What a GIFT these amazing teachers are!!
It was cute, Matteus said "mommy, everyone says goodbye!" I said "what do you mean?" He said "Bella goes to 1st grade, Faithie goes to preschool, and daddy goes to work!" It is a change for him, to be home without his sisters! He is doing great though! Oh, what a wonderful little guy he is! I'm looking forward to all of the games that just him and I will play, all of the books that just him and I will read ... and so forth (Kody naps at this time)! I will have "only two" kids for 2 hours in the afternoons from Tuesday-Friday!