I know, I'm a proud mamma :)
You know it is amazing, 2 months ago I did not think he could get any more adorable, a month ago while I was in Ghana I did not think he could get any more adorable, a week ago I did not think he could get any more adorable ... okay, I think you get the point :)
THANK YOU Jesus for our amazing new son! THANK YOU Jesus that you somehow deemed us worthy and that you gave us the sacred priviledge of being his parents!
One of the worship songs at church this past weekend had these words, "I'm free to breathe, I'm free to live!" Oh wow, do these words have new meaning to me!
"They that WAIT UPON the Lord WILL RENEW their strength; they will mount up on wings like eagles; they shall run and NOT grow weary; and they shall walk and NOT be faint!! Isaiah 40:31
These scripture takes on life, like never before!
Although quite honestly, this also really does describe the WAITING UPON THE LORD during the last several months, the WAITING for Kody to come home!
Okay ... so my life as it is right now! There are things happening, things which I'm not ready to share! Today was such an eventful day (and yesturday), and I'm not talking about how I drove Faith (and Matteus and Kody) 2 hours to go to an appointment at Childrens! It all really went well, and Faith has her next surgery in 2 weeks! YAHOO that the surgery is not 3 months out, we so just want her surgeries to be done, really for her sake!
I SO don't understand God's plans ... although the last year has re-taught me to trust them! So although things feel a bit out of control right now (the kids and Sam and I are doing GREAT), I have total peace! Sam and I are walking through a door, unsure of really what will happen! We are walking through a door that I honestly NEVER thought we would walk through! And we are walking through a door that quite honestly, God already whispered to me in January of this year letting me know what was ahead, but I honestly didn't know if to believe it back them!
Okay, so I'm being TOTALLY vague I know ...
In a few weeks I'll let you know what happened ...
THANK YOU Jesus that you have an AMAZING plan for each one of us! THANK YOU for that you love each one of us PASSIONATELY and UNCONDITIONALLY!!!! THANK YOU Jesus for that You KNOW all of the details, and everything that lies ahead, and you have our lives in the palm of your hands!
Heidi, George & girls
Thank you for sharing your pictures of your precious little man. He is quite adorable! So glad you are feeling better and regaining your health. We will continue to keep you in our prayers as you walk out what God has in store for you next.
(Mom to Monica ~ We just found out yesterday)
Please pray for us.....
Always encouraging!! What a gift Kody is--as are the rest of your children. Praying as you walk through that door...
Found your blog through another Ghana mom's blog and I am SO happy to see those beautiful pictures of your Kody and also to know you are healing! Been praying for you since I heard.
Yaw asked me if "We go to the baby house" when I took custody in Ghana. It was wonderful to tell him that the "baby" was in America! I hope your gorgeous family is transitioning well. We've been home a week and are doing (mostly) awesome, except poor Ellen has chicken pox (a souvenir from Eban House).
God bless you and your lovely family,
Amy F.