Oh how I love Whistler, even in the rain!
It is such an awesome reminder to me of GOD's CREATION and His goodness!
It is such an awesome reminder to me of GOD's CREATION and His goodness!
So despite the crummy weather, and despite that I took too many naps to count ... we had such a wonderful time because we were with truly such AMAZING friends who had flown ALL this way to see us from NJ with their FOUR kids!! These friends go back before kids, we lived in NJ for 4 years, yet they were also there for us in the beginning stages with Bella and during her 1st year! They were the friends who we stopped by at midnight on the way back from PA after we had just that day found out we were parents to a beautiful baby girl ... which we were NOT at all planning for (we thought children were years away and we had actually bought flights to Europe for that summer and were beginning to make plans to move back out West ... I had even given notice at my work) ... and they had prepared a basket FULL of baby stuff for us!!! Okay, so that was more information than I was planning ... lets just say that Bella also has a DIVINE story and lets just say that we SO LOVE these friends and are SO THANKFUL for them! They are the kind of friends that we know, despite the distance, we will ALWAYS be friends :)
So here are some of my favorite pictures ... although I would have to say I was not there for a lot of the rainly adventures ... which is a GOOD thing ... as I might have stopped some of the FUN adventures they went on (i.e. letting the kids play in the spray park in 40 degree weather ... not kidding :) )
How can I ever say enough...
How amazing is Your love....
How can I keep from shouting Your name...
I know I am loved by the King...
And it makes my heart want to sing..
I can hear you down here!! :)
Can't wait until I hear that giggle!!