We were getting ready for church this morning, and as usual the kids were in and out of our room, mostly in our room ... and bathroom!
I had turned the computer on to check the weather, as I had heard that it was going to be unusually warm! It was a wonderful warm and sunny Sunday! I had just changed the wallpaper on our computer, I had a put a picture of a SPECIAL little 4 year old girl that has become known at our house as "mommy's friend from Ghana!" We have had many conversations about her, the kids asking questions about her, and other kids that are in my pictures from my last trip to Ghana!
Well, out of the blue my 3 1/2 year old sweet Matteus says ... "I think YOU should be her mommy!" I said "what did you say?" He repeated it! I then asked him why! He said, "because she doesn't have a mommy and daddy!"
That was the end of the conversation!
I thought it was sooooooooo worth sharing!
So simply put, yet so profound!
I thought it was sooooooooo worth sharing!
So simply put, yet so profound!
Oh how I wish that ALL parents who get the call from God to adopt, WOULD listen to our sweet Matteus AND God's call! Yes "I know" there is much more involved in adopting ... but sometimes I think we SO overlook God's HEART and the evidence of it in Scripture, of God's bleeding heart for the 148 MILLION orphans of the world ...
I actually wish for all of us that we (for our own blessings) would listen to WHATEVER CALL God puts on our life ... big or little CALL ...
Our Matteus gets it ... and ironically enough, had his mommy and daddy also not "gotten it," AND then HUMBLY in FAITH repeatedly taken the emotional and financial leap of faith for God to provide the child that was meant to be ours and for God to prvoide the means to adopt (FULLY realizing that each one of ourchildren is FULLY God's story, God deserving ALL of the glory) ... he would have none of his best friends, the siblings that he absolutely ADORES!!!!!
I think that any call that God puts on your heart is one that is worthy to pursue.
While I know that deeds don't gain one entrance into Heaven, from the time I was a young girl it concerned me that I wouldn't fulfill His 'call' on my life, and I would show up to the gates of Heaven feeling a little empty-handed and full of regret.
I wrote this poem as a 6th grader:
Flying, Flying, Swarming Swiftly
Stooping, Diving, Spinning, Flowing
Floating away to the magically enchanting light
So far, but yet so close I get
As I float in peace above my life
I see myself encounter all the things I wished to be
But never was.....
K :)