I honestly really did expect this, and at this point I really am having TOTAL PEACE that God will work out the details and will bring our little girl home when she is supposed to come home! I'm going to have to go back to this post, IF, actually WHEN is a better word for WHEN things don't go as "planned" in this next adoption process (as I'm SURE and am expecting they will)!
I am "expecting" for our court case to not go as "planned" ... as right now in Ghana that is happening, and has happened to at least 2 other families that I am aware of! When I say "planned" I mean that I'm expecting the court case to keep on getting bumped and/or I'm expecting it to possibly be drawn out versus the one time court date we had with Kody :) (actually I think Kody's date got bumped once too, maybe not, I can't really remember ... which is kind of funny now, because I'm sure back then I was TOTALLY NOT PEACEFUL and/or had to work really hard at it)!
So we don't have court this Friday, but instead we are "on-call" for Monday-Wednesday of next week!!!
We stil SOOOOO appreciate your prayers for PROTECTION around the court hearing and all of the details that go into making the hearing!!!!!!!
I am counting my blessings ... and I couldn't resist :) posting a picture of two of them ... although on days like today when the sun is out and the skies are blue and the mountains visible are too many to count ... I could do a whole post just on the many things I feel thankful for!!!