"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28
This is our HOPE as we wait ...
We DO totally trust God's GOODNESS ...
We DO totally trust God's TIMING ...
Now in hindsight, I can SEE SOOO MUCH GOOD through each one of our adoption journeys ... it still though does not take away the EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER that in my opinion defines the paperchase and the wait to bring our new kids home ... although yes it does lessen the intensity of the emotional rollercoaster (usually), as we DO have complete PEACE in God's PLAN!!!!!
Here are some quotes from one of my FAVORITE all time books ... soo applicable to the sometimes EMOTIONAL rollercoaster of LIFE (Spotting the Sacred http://www.spottingthesacred.com/) ...
"as I view my troublesome realities as a gift, I learn new lessons: I become less anxious, less stressed. Thus I pray more and become more attentive to God's provisions. I find myself taking fewer things for granted. When I view my present reality as a gift from God, resentement and anger can evaporate."
And as quoted by Mother Theresa ...
"The best way to show gratitude to God and the people is to accept everything with JOY. A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a burning heart with love."
And then the author asks ...
I love the word subvert ... such a powerful word ...
CARPE DIEM today ... that is what I'm going to do as I go help in Bella's class, and then later join her class (with Kody and Matteus) to the roller blading rink :)