Although at our church it is a simple low key event,
it is still an honor to publically commit Kody to the Lord,
and to in front of all committ to raise Kody SHOWING
and teaching him about how much he is loved by the creator of the Universe, His heavenly Father!
I thought about it a lot before the service, about how with Kody we got the PRIVILEDGE of witnessing ALL of the MIRACLES of Kody's life! Almost every detail we got to be a part of! Yes we were here in the US and Kody was in Ghana - but despite this - we knew every detail down to the day Kody came into care!! At this point we did not know we would be his forever family!
NO this is not the norm with adoptions ... it was not with Faith ... and it is not the case with our 5th child who we are now in the process of adopting!! With our new precious one, we can go WEEKS before hearing ANYTHING!!!
All of this to say ... God ALLOWED us the PRIVILEDGE to bear witness to all of the HUGE JERICHO size MIRACLES that GOD DID that make up Kody's story, down to the seemingly little miracles that took place in order for Kody's life to be physically and emotionally restored and healed, to him coming home to be our ohhhh soooooo sweet new son!!
What a COMPLETE and TOTAL honor it is to call our precious, amazing and sweet new son - OUR SON!!!!!!! What a TOTAL GIFT from God!!!!!!
In the picture above, our wonderful pastor is praying for Kody (and the other baby being dedicated) ... and in the midst of it all I didn't even realize that the hand of my sweet son was on my shoulder (I was holding Matteus, and holding Faith's hand ... tricky) ... we have lots of pictures of his little hand on my shoulder ...
In the picture above, our wonderful pastor is praying for Kody (and the other baby being dedicated) ... and in the midst of it all I didn't even realize that the hand of my sweet son was on my shoulder (I was holding Matteus, and holding Faith's hand ... tricky) ... we have lots of pictures of his little hand on my shoulder ...
What a sweet gift the picture above was to me ... I LOVE being Kody's FOREVER mommy ...
SOOOO, of course on Kody's dedication day... I had to take "some" pictures of him ... I have at least a dozen more :)
(Heidi, George, Ellen, Marina, and Yvonne ... we love you guys and PRAISE Jesus for the MIRACLE He did in our son's life through YOU!)