Our court case goes on to its 4th week ...

THANK YOU to everyone who prayed! I myself have been up since 4AM unable to sleep ... praying!!
So after a day of WAITING on the Lord, waiting to hear what happened today in Ghana ...
We just heard and we have another yet to be determined court date for next week ... the judge wants to review the paperwork ...
Sigh ... Sigh ... Sigh ...


Kristin said…
Sorry to hear, I know those feelings all too well from just a couple weeks ago. Our judge did the same thing the 3rd week and wanted to review it until the following. All went well though and granted the adoption after the review week! I pray yours comes even speedier. Ugh-the wait is killer-now we are onto passports!
Momto16 said…
Sorry to hear this news but we will keep praying for it to happen soon and for a favorable outcome of course.
Many Blessings :)
Rebecca said…
I am so sorry Maria. I know you must be so disappointed.
Praying for her to be in your arms soon.
Standing in prayer with you.