I absolutely LOVE taking pictures, of my kids :)
Sooo, once again this post is FULL of pictures of my kids!!
This post is also full of pictures of pumpkins!
We made our first trip to the Pumpkin Patch!
I'm sure there will be at least a couple more visits before October is over!
A girlfriend and I took our 8 kids and had a blast!
So we definately will go again with Sam, he loves to go too!
He did so great (as he always does)! What a true SWEETIE!
My other handsome and sweet little guy also had a blast!
Matteus learned the word "handsome" this week when he tried to use the word pretty to describe himself after he put some vaseline/chap balm on his lips :) Cute! You can SOO tell he has 2 bigger sisters :)
Faith had a visit to Children's this week! To her (and our) disappointment she had to have her hand recasted (she had 2 pins in her finger which needed to stay)! We brought all of the kids for the visit, it was good for Bella and Buddy to see what Faith has to go through .. there were many tears, and some crying, and some screaming at the doctors ... she amazes me though at how well she really does! She got to pick the color of this cast ... her choice a fabelous bright orange color :)
These days getting a picture of all four of our kids is VERY tricky ... I did not even bother taking a picture of all eight of our kids!
Kody soooo wants to explore EVERYTHING! It is tricky being at places where we can't put him down on the ground ... as that is where he wants to be ... exploring :)
To the hay ride ... I know this picture is blurry, but it was just too cute!
To all of the animals (horses, bunnies, sheep, chickens, goats, pigs ...) and even the pretend play on animals ...
This wonderful climbing tree ... Bella was immediately on it once she noticed it! She loves climbing trees!
AND they even have this sweet little park surrounded by big beautiful trees (and actually so much more)!! I love this picture because going down linked together is one of my kids' favorite things to do! Usually Matteus is with them too! It is such a blessing to watch our kids play! They truly are best friends (yes they also have days where they don't get along at all ... but thankfully there are less of those kinds of days)!
Matteus learned the word "handsome" this week when he tried to use the word pretty to describe himself after he put some vaseline/chap balm on his lips :) Cute! You can SOO tell he has 2 bigger sisters :)
It is fabelous!
From climbing on this old tractor, which OF COURSE Matteus wanted on as soon as he saw it! Matteus loves tractors!
Needless to say, it was a BEAUTIFUL and wonderful sunny day here in WA!
We actually ended the day by taking our kids (spontaneously) to their first ever highschool (homecoming) football game! The kids had a blast and again did so great!