Just wanted to share our next steps in bringing Ella home ...
For NOW, we wait ...
We wait ... for the official adoption decree to come out of court (2 weeks to 6 weeks on average) and we wait for our I-600A approval to make it to Ghana! Our local USCIS office sends our approval to the National Visa Center and then they enter the information and send it to Ghana! The average time for all of this has been about 3-4 weeks to make it on its way to Ghana - and then another week to make it to Ghana!
So we "could potentially" be getting both of these next 2 steps done simultaneously, or not at all ... you never know!
AND when we have both of these ... Sam flies to Ghana for a "quick" trip to file paperwork at the US embassy there! We are hoping for a Monday appointment at the embassy so he can make the trip super short :)
Well, another YIPPEE and THANK YOU Jesus ... Sam called The National Visa Center yesturday and they said our approval was on its way to Ghana ... so another week or so and it "should" be at the Ghana Embassy ... we then have to call there and verify it is there ... SOOOOOO, the adoption decree has some catching up to do :) AND one of the next 2 steps has "so far" gone way faster than expected :)
Our hearts are preparing for Ella to be home in January- February ... although we are simultaneously leaning on Jesus and are trusting His ultimate time! I can't believe 4 months ago I was there in Ghana bringing our sweet sweet Kody home, and simultaneously meeting our forever little girl! If you would have told me about all of this in January ... I "might" have believed you as God then was whispering to me that He had a plan for us that included having 2 kids this year ... if you had told me about all of this one year ago I would have laughed and laughed and not believed you ... if you would have told me about all of this 2 years ago I think I would also have laughed, but also felt a bit scared (okay very scared) at the idea of having 5 kids ... NOW I trust God's goodness, and his plan and time and I look forward to sweet, fun, and thoughtful Ella coming home!
On a side note, if you have never been to Vancouver BC (Canada) ... ohhh it is such a beautiful city, with SO much to do! I'm there for the weekend (and next weekend) ... and the kids and I had a fabelous day looking at boats and birds, looking around at an international sort of little market, playing in an indoor little ball place, and of course eating sushi (the kids asked for it, it was there choice :) )!!!! The picture was our view today ...