A few months ago when we made the decision to adopt AGAIN, I asked Bella if she would be okay if I went to Ghana again! She told me, "mom, I will probably cry and scream again but I will be okay!"
On Friday night, Bella had her jazz recital - and although I did get to see the dress rehearsal, I did not get to go!! Sam said she did wonderfully - which I know fully that she did!!!
"Bella, mamma is soooooooooooo completely proud of you!! You are an amazing little girl and I am humbled and so proud to be your mom! Daddy said you even smiled while dancing at your recital! AWESOME JOB!!! I can't wait to see the video! Don't forget that mamma is thinking of you all the time! And don't forget that just like God loves you so much, He loves mamma too! And He is taking care of mamma,I don't feel sick at all!! And I believe FULLY that the same God who MIRACLEOUSLY choose me to be your mom 6 1/2 years ago WILL take care of me on this trip in Ghana! I love you sooooooooooo much sweets!"
THANK YOU JESUS for our children, who despite their young age are already giving and loving so sacrificially! Thank you for how they radiate to me your heart! THANK YOU for already instilling in them a heart for the orphan, as once again they all have been fully 100% supportive of adopting Ella - none of them having any hesitations! THANK YOU for that they already understand that this too is YOUR HEART (as we see throughout Scripture)! I pray that their hearts would continue to grow with their love for the orphans and also those less fortunate, and even more so that their love for you would continue to grow!!
Although our kids already love their new sister, each one does struggle with the repeated trips to Ghana ... THANK YOU Bella, Faith & Matteus for giving so self-lessly of yourselves (and of mommy & daddy) so that we can do what is needed to bring Ella home! Each one of you is an inspiration to me!! I love each one of you so much!