As this is our 3rd trip to Ghana SEVEN months, the details of this trip have literally just fallen into place! EVERYTHING has happened SOO fast! The only detail left is for me to receive a confirmation of where I will be staying the last 4 nights while in Ghana! The first 2 nights I will be staying with WONDERFUL Heidi & George (I'm soooooooooooo EXCITED), as they fly to South Africa on Sunday night (I arrive Friday morning)! This is another detail that God knew was sooooo CLOSE to my heart & soooo important), and YEAH THANK YOU JESUS it has worked out perfectly!!!
My mom (Omma), Sam's parents, and 2 of my dear friends (Amanda & Abbey) have all soooo already committed to help with all of the needed child care ... while Sam is working & during 2 different Christmas functions that are happening while I'm gone!! THANK YOU JESUS for taking care of this detail RIGHT AWAY!!!!! It sooo blesses my heart that people who ALL so know and love our kids will be taking care of them while I'm gone!!!
Sam & I usually start our Christmas decorations & preparations pretty soon after American thanksgiving!! Well this year we got pretty much everything done last weekend, including our Christmas cards (although they still need to be mailed out/delivered)!! We had a WONDERFUL last Sunday decorating the inside and outside of our house!! I TOTALLY LOVE just sitting on the couch watching our Christmas tree, it was a wonderful & RELAXING day & week (up until Thursday :))! Also, on Black Friday Sam & I got all of our Christmas shopping done (we actually also do the kid's birthday gifts as the deals are soooo good) ... and this year we are "trying" to do everything with an advent conspiracy heart so things seem simpler this year!!
I usually LOVE to do Christmas baking and by now I would have done all of my baking goods shopping ... well I'm glad I didn't, as I'm not sure if realistically I can fit it all in with all of the CELEBRATIONS that will happen when I come home on the 18th!!
And although we were "planning" for Sam to go, about a week ago or so God started stirring my heart that maybe I should "consider" going on this first trip! He was already preparing my heart!!!!!! My OBSTACLE for going has been leaving Kody!!!!
After we got all of our stockings hung up (although we don't do Santa) we still do stockings ... we do have one hung up for Ella ... I laughed and laughed! And the first picture is my view every morning, NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS DID I THINK I WOULD BE HANGING UP SEVVVVVVVVVVVEN STOCKINGS!!!!!!!! I'm such a visual person, it has been such a great picture to me of God's GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS & LOVE ... AND of the PLAN He has for our lives, if we are willing to TRUST HIM!!!!!!!!!
Here are some pics from our day of decorating ...
Can you email me? I have some questions about your upcoming trip ;)
I'm the new coordinator for the big christmas dinner, hosted for people who don't have family, ect (less fortunate people of GP). We hope to meet Ella in March, when we're there...that would be perfect. Tell Matteus about the name "Maddy' for our own little son (if we have one),,,i'm sure his little heart will smile.
xoxo safe journey