TO GHANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in as much of a shock as you are (if you are)!!
I would have to say that today, most of the day, my head has been spinning and my stomach has been doing constant sommersaults! Yes 4 trips to Africa in 1 year!!!!!!
For the last month or so Sam and I have been "planning" for Sam to go on this first trip! And we have been "planning" for him to go in January, as there seemed to not be an opportunity in December with the elections in Ghana and the high prices around Christmas time!! And we didn't have our court order yet ... sooooooo we were still "waiting" ...
Well, this Monday (3 days ago) my heart was beginning to process that it has been 3 weeks since court and that "more likely" our court order should be out of the courts "any day!"
On Tuesday of this week (2 days ago) we got an e-mail that said the lawyer had our court order!
On Wednesday of this week (1 day ago) I thought I would re-check the Delta prices again just to make sure that there was not any flights that could potentiall work (considering things going on in Ghana, prices, and our schedule) and I found 1 flight ... December 11 - December 18!
On Wednesday of this week (1 day ago) our US volunteer coordinator for Beacon House suggested e-mailing the embassy and seeing if the door opened or not! We had a few questions:
#1. Did they have our paperwork that was sent from the US National Visa Center
#2 Did they have an available appointment within the time frame of December 11-18?
#3 Did Sam need to travel to file or could I do it, as I'm not a US citizen only Sam is?
So I sent off the e-mail really without any expectations, Sam and I still not being sure who would travel! Although it was looking more like me, as Sam would be taking his next years vacation days if he went (which none of us wanted, including the kids) ... and I'm OFF THE WHOLE YEAR, until September of 2009!!
In our minds, Sam and I had decided that we would not try the calling the embassy in Ghana route! The process involved in bringing Kody home was seriously one of the 3 hardest things I have ever gone through, and just the thought of the emotions and energy involved in repeatedly calling the embassy in Ghana was not something "I" was wanting to do! I know, pretty selfish ... I guess too with this adoption I have not felt the "SPIRITUAL FIGHT" that I felt was needed to bring Kody home (at least "not yet")!! Instead it has been one of doors opening and us walking through the doors - TOTALLY TRUSTING JESUS EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!!!!! AND keep in mind that I already have 4 kids at home, all under the age of 6 ...
Well this morning (10 hours ago) I checked my e-mail and no e-mail! I wasn't expecting one, and I honestly wasn't even sure if I wanted a response yet (in case it was yes to all of my answers which meant one of us would be going next week), but I thought I would check anyways!! Soooo I started getting the kids ready for school ... I got Bella in the shower and Matteus was cuddling in my lap (Kody was still sleeping and Faith was just hanging out) ... and I heard "just try calling!" No I didn't hear an audiable voice, but now CLEARLY it was God whispering ...
SO despite my own personal feelings and resistance about calling ... I called!!! WELL, 2 rings and THEY PICKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooooooooooohhh, my HEART WAS BEATING SOOO FAST!!!!!!!! Yes they received our application from the US, yes we could come on the 16th and file, and yes either Sam or I could come (we just needed the power of attorney form signed if only one of us came)!!
The woman on the phone was very pleasant ... she probably thought I was a bit weird with my "oh my gosh," and "really" and "thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much!" She did though ask me if I was planning on coming back to the US, it almost seeming like she was going to tell me I couldn't come if I was planning on waiting for the approval!!! I told her I was only coming to see "them" :) She also told me the I-600 approvals are now taking 30 days!!!!
I got off the phone and was SHAKING (no exaggeration) and of course, also crying!!!!
Sooooooo, 3 hours later I bought "my" flight!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!! This feels like another HUGE MIRACLE, and one that has God's fingerprints ALL OVER IT!!!!!!! And it also feels like once again, I'm having a hard time hanging on ... as God takes us on another one of HIS ADVENTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooooo, 3 hours later I bought "my" flight!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!! This feels like another HUGE MIRACLE, and one that has God's fingerprints ALL OVER IT!!!!!!! And it also feels like once again, I'm having a hard time hanging on ... as God takes us on another one of HIS ADVENTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU JESUS that you will not only take care of me when I'm in Ghana, but also all of my kids at home (especially Kody)!!!!!!!
I said to Sam yesturday that if it ended up being me that went it was a good thing that I didn't know this last month (actually the last few months) as I don't think my heart could have handled it!!! I would have been grieving having to leave yes all of my kids, but especially our new precious Kody!!!!!!!!
Soooo ELLA SWEETIE mommy is coming, to do the NEXT STEP needed to bring YOU HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!