I wish I could choose the correct words to fully explain the depth of poverty that is visible on almost every street here in Accra! I wish for myself and others who get to bear witness to the poverty here and all over the world, that none of us would forget! I don't mean that we wouldn't forget in such a way that we live with guilt over the excess of what we have, and the NOTHING that others have! Instead I pray that we don't ever forget in such a way that we EVERY DAY we live a life of advent conspiracy ... one where we are in constant fellowship with our Creator & Father praising Him for ALL of the GIFTS He has given us ... and one where we live a self-less life like the life modeled by Jesus, one where God's love for us and in us POURES out of us, not only in the every day loving our neighbor, the stranger, our family ... but also that it POURES out in such a way that we can't help it but be instrumental in living our faith in such a way that we do end poverty (as just one example).
I wish I also could CLEARLY communicate the need of the 143 million orphans of the world, the ones in North America and world wide!! The 143 million precious and beautiful KIDS, kids just like our Ella, that every night go to bed hungry, hungry in their souls to simply feel loved, safe, and wanted! I believe these children are not other people's children, they are GOD'S CHILDREN who He loves & if they are God's children, I believe they are our children as well!! No I do not believe that everyone should adopt but I do believe that everyone has the opportunity to adopt! No, I do not believe the adoption process is easy and covenient (it might be one of the most hardes things you will ever do, but I guarantee also one of the most faith stretching and growing times, and one of repeated blessings in middle of the heart ache), nor do I believe that the attachment process of adopted children should be considered lightly ... but there are 143 MILLION orphans!! I asked Heidi how many orphanages there are in Accra, she said too many too count - and that is just in 1 city in 1 African country!! My trips to Ghana always bring this passion to the forfront ...
Sam & I, and MANY others who adopt ... are normal, ordinary, every day lovers of Jesus who simply are following God's voice ... and are stepping out in FAITH trusting God every minute of the way, and trusting HIS PLANS AND HIS GOODNESS! There is nothing super special about us ... aside that we like you are loved passionately by the Creator of the UNIVERSE!!!