There is noooooooooo getting around it!
My heart TRULY is sad!!!
I am sad that our little girl is STILL not home
& I am SAD that I don't get to HUG Heidi (& her
wonderful girls & husband) any time soon!!
It seriously breaks my heart, the latter
just as much as the first!!!!!
Heidi is a Godly & amazing woman who I respect, adore, look up, am inspired by, & totally LOVE!!! She is someone who I now think of as family ... truly!!! She not only nurtured and loved on our son Kody - she also loved on and nurtured me through e-mail & conversations - through one of the hardest things I have had to walk through (the process of bringing Kody home) I love any time I get to spend with her & her wonderful family!!!!!! This week they are moving out of Ghana!!!
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for all of your prayers!!! We, I soooo need them ... and Ella needs them ... and getting her passport finished soooooooo needs prayers!!! It is feeling like a FIGHT ...
If truth be told, these days it is difficult for me to know the words to pray ... so I stand on God's promises and truth ... that HE LOVES ME and our Ella COMPLETELY & PASSIONATELY!!!!! Ella WILL COME HOME ... and then all the pain I'm feeling will be a distant memory!
I also in my pain PRAISE HIM for His daily blessings, the reality and enormity of the blessings & gifts He has given me ... TOTALLY OVERWHELMING me!!! Having made 3 trips to Ghana within the last 10 months, & the work that I do as a school counselor help me realize how HUGELY I am BLESSED!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to update everyone that there is
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NEWS on Ella's passport!!!!!!!!!