We need GOD TO MOVE the mountain ...
My hope for this week is almost all gone ...
BUT I KNOW that I serve the Creator of the Universe WHO CAN DO ANYTHING!!!
I have realized toooo many times though that He often does NOT do what I want in my time, but instead does it in HIS TIME, there being details that I cannot see with my human eye!
Sooooooooooo although Kofi is no longer working on Ella's passport & I'm not sure who exactly is, or if they even are working on it ... I BELIEVE with my whole heart that GOD CAN DO what we are asking Him to do ... and He can use ANYONE ...
It brings to mind that He uses me ....
Sooo for those of you praying, please pray for a STIRRING OF HEARTS WITH EVERYONE INVOLVED in finishing Ella's passport!!!!
One of the hardest things to do is to fully entrust our children to God - where we literally have to take our hands off of them - because we cannot physically reach them because they are literally too far away - so we continue to entrust Ella and specifically her heart into His care!!!
Last week, my dearest friend prayed Psalm 126:5-6 over me ...
"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him."
Little did I know then, that those verses REALLY would become my reality .... as there was unknown details at that point ....
So in my TEARS & sometimes barely hanging on, I TRUST and PRAISE God for the songs of joy that I KNOW will come in HIS TIME regarding our SWEET ELLA!!!!!!!! AND I praise HIM for what He already has done regarding Ella, and what He does EVERY DAY ... I feel completely BLESSED with too many specific blessings to count!!!!!!
My hope for this week is almost all gone ...
BUT I KNOW that I serve the Creator of the Universe WHO CAN DO ANYTHING!!!
I have realized toooo many times though that He often does NOT do what I want in my time, but instead does it in HIS TIME, there being details that I cannot see with my human eye!
Sooooooooooo although Kofi is no longer working on Ella's passport & I'm not sure who exactly is, or if they even are working on it ... I BELIEVE with my whole heart that GOD CAN DO what we are asking Him to do ... and He can use ANYONE ...
It brings to mind that He uses me ....
Sooo for those of you praying, please pray for a STIRRING OF HEARTS WITH EVERYONE INVOLVED in finishing Ella's passport!!!!
One of the hardest things to do is to fully entrust our children to God - where we literally have to take our hands off of them - because we cannot physically reach them because they are literally too far away - so we continue to entrust Ella and specifically her heart into His care!!!
Last week, my dearest friend prayed Psalm 126:5-6 over me ...
"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him."
Little did I know then, that those verses REALLY would become my reality .... as there was unknown details at that point ....
So in my TEARS & sometimes barely hanging on, I TRUST and PRAISE God for the songs of joy that I KNOW will come in HIS TIME regarding our SWEET ELLA!!!!!!!! AND I praise HIM for what He already has done regarding Ella, and what He does EVERY DAY ... I feel completely BLESSED with too many specific blessings to count!!!!!!