Seriously though, PLEASE be praying WITH us for Ella's passport!!!
Bella, Faith, & Matteus ALSO ask that you PRAY WITH ALL OF US!!! (I know Kody would, if he understood what was going on) We are ALL praying ... even in the middle of our trampoline jumps and playing (I couldn't resist these pics, I love them) :)
I'm feeling the mamma bear in me rising like I did the week to two weeks before I went to Ghana to take care of Kody ...
During this time I also felt it was time to FIGHT ... I did not know what would happen when I went to Ghana but I believed God was calling me to go!!! I came home with our son 2 1/2 weeks later!!!
I believe that for each one of our kids, the enemy works hard in the spiritual realm as he does not want to to release them!!!
So I'm feeling the FIGHT and asking ALL to PLEASE PRAY WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heidi & George leave Ghana in less than 2 weeks ... NOPE, I have not yet given up HOPE!!!!
PLEASE PRAY WITH US that Ella's passport comes THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE PRAY that GOD WOULD STIR KOFI'S HEART TO ACTION, to finishing & releasing Ella's passport (WHEREVER it is at in the process)!
I should change the first song again ... as EVERYTHING IS GOD'S DOING and we stand in AWE of HIM and as we PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!!!
we have been praying every evening for all the children in Ghana who wait for their passport to come home, and we will do an "extra" once again to get Kofi working on it. Tesfaye still calls you "chocolate-bar-Maria" and he remembers how we were waiting for Sandras passport to be able to come home, so he knows what we are praying for...
I like to hear that you are ready again to FIGHT for your Ella, you know that I totally believe that we have to fight for our children. I think this is one of our dutys, first we fight to get them and when they are here we have to fight to protect them, although I totally trust that they are well protected by God and each of our children has a special guardian angel, but still, they also need their "fighting mammas";-)).
And I also hope that you will have the chance to meet wonderful Heidi and her family again!
Praying for and thinking of you, Muxi