Rebecca this is for you :) This is my "quick" response to the Friday question ... although I would have to say that your answer was SUPERB!!!

"I have managed the wait and am currently managing the wait by ..."
This by FAR the hardest part of the process for me and oh boy do I feel like I fail every single time! My answers are not in any particular order per say, but rather in the process of which they came to me :)
1. By totally LEANING on Jesus & fully living out Isaiah 40:31, "those that WAIT UPON the Lord WILL renew their STRENGTH, they will mount up on wings like eagles, they will walk and not grow weary, they will run & not fall!"
2. By clinging on to God's promises for our life and for the life of our waiting child, especially clinging on to Jeremiah 29:11, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to propser you & not to harm you, plans to give you a future!"
3. By PRAYING for our new child, for protection, blessing & preparation of his/her heart!
4. By giving myself permission to FEEL & express all of the feelings that come with the wait, such as frustration, disappointment, and GRIEF of missing the new child!!!
5. By being in constant communication with God about all of these feelings, thus fully WAITING on Him!
6. By giving myself lots of grace when I doubt all of the above (and below) and fall flat on my face!
7. By CARPE DIEMING and intentionally living life to the FULLEST, in the meanwhile creating intentional wonderful memories and moments, realizing that every day I have here on earth is a gift, and so are the many blessings God has give me already, i.e. wonderful spouse, current children, family, friends, health, and too many to count!
8. By surrounding myself with not only my amazing Godly husband, but also by AMAZING Godly women who have my back in prayer (so to speak), and who have permission to speak TRUTH into my life!
9. By always having a BIG jar of jelly beans on hand!!
10. By blogging and reading other adoptive families blogs!
11. By sending a card/pictures every time I get a chance with a family traveling!!!
12. By getting the new child's room ready, baby/adoption book done ...
13. By having my armor on, and being READY to do WHATEVER God calls me to do to bring our daughter home (in the past, son & daughter) ... realizing that I am just along for the ride and that EVERYTHING is God's doing!
14. By giving myself permission to take a break from WAITING when my heart needs it!
15. By giving myself a reality check of the wonderful and also hard road ahead ... of the attachment and adjustment difficulties inherent in any adoption journey of especially a toddler and/or older child ... so then that much more enjoying the calm of FOUR happy and well attached and adjusted kids :)
16. By continuing to educate myself, about attachment/adoption/child development ... and even more so about my child's birth country & culture!
17. By holding on to that I serve the CREATOR of the Universe ...
Thanks so much for participating! What a wonderful answer. I loved that you said you allow yourself to feel the feelings that come with the wait. What a liberating statement.
Praying, praying.