"My LOVE is EVEN GREATER for you, than the love you have for your children!"
I LOVED this reminder from this week's sermon from our truly AMAZING pastor (did I mention he was amazing, sooooooooo GIFTED & so challenging every time he preaches - no understatement)!!
Anyhow, he was sharing a story ... the statement being how God feels about us!! The statement spoke RIGHT to my mamma's heart ... it is an analogy that I sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GET (I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo love each one of our jewels) and so I can totally picture & relate to the analogy ...
Although honestly I think I only "slightly" can fully understand how much God loves me, and all of us!!!!!!!
WOW ... it leaves me speechless, in awe, and feeling completely grateful!
(I know, picture is unrelated - except it is one of our children ... I couldn't resist ... isn't he ADORABLE!!! He is feeling SICK these days though ... POOR guy ... he has caught the flue that has been going around :( )
Heidi,George & girls