Okay ... so friends and family I have a really important announcement that I would like to make ... ... ... ... our new daughter is TOTALLY AAAAAAAAAAMMAZING, and I don't say that lightly :)
I know, I know ... ALL of your hearts skipped a beat and I know what you were thinking :) No, no... but truly OH MY HEART I truly cannot believe that we get the sacred privilege of being forever parents to this amazing girl, and I mean that with total humility!! :) She is blessing our socks off ... wait until you hear her giggle :)
One of my favorite moments from today was when Ella said, "mom, I want you to back me!!" My heart jumped a beat ... and flooded truly with joy and honor!! We had been carrying her all day, and yes I honestly was completely physically tired ... we just finished 7 suspension bridges and hiked up and were hiking down and did I mention the HEAT and humidity (I was not a pretty sight)... there was another mom and daughter there ... and Ella wanted me to "back her!" For those of you who don't know Ghanian culture, this is how mothers carry their babies and young children!! I instantly picked her up ... and I backed our new Ghanian daughter today!!
The suspension bridges were amazing ... and after being carried on a few of them, Ella decided she wanted to try walking by herself! Did I mention she is AMAZING!!! The courage, sweetness, playfulness, kindness, wisdom of our little girl ... WOW ... and SHE is initiating attachment with me ... with us!!! This also blows my mind and heart off!!! AND honestly the bridges were scarey, for me, yep I was quoting verses on the end of some of them :) What a wonderful, attachment building activity to do together!!! SOOOOOOO FUN, truly :)
I LOVE the coast! This is where I would live if I were to live in Ghana!! So beautiful, the sound and smell of the ocean ... love it!!! I do wish we could have spent a couple of days here but with our visa appt. and traveling up north, this is not an option!! It was WONDERFUL none the less!!! AND Ella even played in the waves crashing on the beach with me ... this was HUGE for her and showing HUGE TRUST in me!!! YEAH, AAAMAZING!!
The 2nd to last picture ... I actually don't love! There is actually nothing about it that I like!! BUT, I still wanted to share it!! It is at the slave port that we went to today ...the sights and stories from the slave dungeons can't seem to escape my mind ... and the picture is of the church that the British built ... RIGHT ABOVE the men slave dungeon! RIGHT above ...
Tomorrow we travel up North with WONDERFUL Bernard to meet Ella's grandfather and grandmother!!! WOW ...
RJ has used "awesome" and "amazing" to describe Ella :)
I love that you "backed" her. Carrying my children is such an incredible privilege.
She is beautiful and the three of you together is miraculous!
We'll be praying for your trip up north. Please give Bernard a big hello from our family!
With Joy!!
love Rebekka
Also amazing is how your pictures and posts opened the floodgates of emotions of all that I felt, smelled and experienced. The suspension bridges! That was awesome ~ and I LOVE "that" beach. A bit disappointed there were no crocodile pictures - did you not stop and feed them?
Lifting our prayers up and if anyone else out there is still reading this post, I ask that you all continue this prayer cover not only for Maria, Sam, Ella, Bernard, Beacon House, Becky, Carrie, Amazing Romana and her family but for all the families about to bring their children home. I have this sense of urgency that we need to cover these families. In addtion I ask that nothing steal the joy that is to be celebrated with all praise and glory to Jesus.
Can't wait to hear that giggle again and I plan on hearing it for hours on end at The Fair! Remember, no excuses this year!!!
Moses' family :)
It blesses me so much to see the pure joy on your faces! Your little girl has the most BEAUTIFUL smile!!! I'll be praying for your trip up north.
meet Ella. I have been showing Joshua and Janae your blog pictures. They are excited also.Hope your trip up North goes well. We are praying for a smooth
and happy and uneventful trip home. Look forward to hearing your stories next Wednesday. Blessings, Chris
it is so wonderful that you share your life and let us be a part of it, Thank you soooo much for that! I had no time the last days because Tefsfaye was ill but he is better now which leaves me some time to get the computer and read your blog.
Ella, Sam and you just look soooooo happy!!!! And it is great that you can enjoy these important Ella’s last days in Ghana together with Sam, giving her the opportunity to bond with both of you. And “backing” is something also Sandra absolutely loves, I carry her around in a special backcarrier a lot, at the moment she is sleeping at my back :)).
I am praying that your trip to Bolga will be safe and that you will have a wonderful meeting with Ella’s family. I have sent pictures of Sandra to Beacon House for Bernard to take them with him (hope they arrived) and bring them to Sandra’s family. Maybe you can hav a look at them to get an update on her developpment, as I am very bad in sending e-mails – you know…
Please give him and Romana and Mama Laadi all my love, they are doing such a wonderful, important job and are in our minds and prayers! We are soooo thankful for our little jewel, who would not have survived without their help…
Thankful for being able to follow your blog and praying for your safe homecoming, Muxi
Brave adventurous friends..the bridges look amazing!
I agree with Kathy, the the pictures INSTANTLY take me back to tears...all the sights smells, sounds, memories! THANK YOU for sharing!
We are awaiting to HEAR that "giggle" ...come home soon!