Oh what JOY!!!!!!!!!
Oh what CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU JESUS for the miraclous story of sweet sweet Gwendolyn!! Her story proclaims your GLORY and is evidence of your PROTECTION and goodness!!!!!
Gwendolyn went to court today in Ghana and is now legally the daugther of our friends! She will coming HOME to truly one of our CLOSESTS friends!! We will get the priviledge of being involved and a part of Gwendolyn's life! What JOY!!! And when I went in December, I got to meet and spend lots of time with sweet Gwendolyn!!
So today we CELEBRATE WITH our dear friends and we also PRAISE WITH THEM!!!!!!!! There have been many tears and prayers shared with these friends throughout especially the last couple of months - this is the baby that some of you have joined with me in praying for!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The picture above is one of my favorite ones of her ... when I was in Ghana in December I took the picture!!!
Enjoy your trip to Ghana. May your time there be filled with blessings.
Heidi,George & girls